carbon cycle

carbon cycle [ˈkɑ:bən ˈsaikl]  [ˈkɑrbən ˈsaɪkəl] 

carbon cycle 基本解释

carbon cycle的意思


carbon cycle 网络解释

carbon cycle

1. 碳循环:碳循环(carbon cycle)是一生态系统的物质循环,指碳元素在地球上的生物圈、地圈、水圈及大气中交互转换的过程. 碳的主要来源有四个,分别是大气、陆上的生物圈(包括淡水系统及无生命的有机化合物)、海洋及沉积物. 自从有人类以来,

2. 碳素循环:水绵1959年美国的魏泰克(whittaker)将真菌从植物界中分离出来,提出了四界系统,1969年,美国的魏泰克(whittaker)将细菌和蓝藻从原生生物界中独立分出,而把生物界划分为五界系统:例如碳素循环(Carbon cycle)中通过光合作用使大气中的二氧化碳保持平衡;

3. 碳循环 碳循環:carbon assimilation 碳同化(作用) 碳同化作用 Y | carbon cycle 碳循环 碳循環 Y | carbondioxide enrichment 二氧化碳加浓 二氧化碳富化 Y

4. 碳化循环:carbon content in coal 煤中碳 | carbon cycle 碳化循环 | carbon dioxide 二氧化碳

carbon cycle 单语例句

1. There are other destabilizing feedbacks in the carbon cycle that involve the oceans.

2. A carbon sink is a component of the carbon cycle that stores more carbon than it emits into the atmosphere.

3. carbon cycle的解释

3. The secondary footprint is the indirect carbon dioxide emissions from the life cycle of any products associated with manufacturing.

4. And I also want to point out that we are looking for a true low carbon society based on the entire life cycle.

carbon cycle 英英释义


1. a thermonuclear reaction in the interior of stars

2. carbon cycle在线翻译

2. the organic circulation of carbon from the atmosphere into organisms and back again
