1. 杨桃:中文摘要 本研究之主要目的是探讨柳橙皮 (LSO peel)、红萝卜 (carrot) 和杨桃 (carambola) 等三种蔬果渣中的非水溶高纤部分 (insoluble rich-fiber fraction, IFRF) 和纤维素 (cellulose) 经过微化处理后对调节血脂和改善肠道健康等 (体内) 生理功能之影响.
2. 阳桃:peach 桃子 | carambola 阳桃 | cherry 樱桃
3. 苌:carambola 杨桃 | carambola 苌 | caramel 焦糖
4. 客人我包了:blackberry 不来可不来 | carambola 客人我包了 | cherry 妾累
1. Chengdu Carambola Ice has been pleasing the crowds since 1966 and remains a favorite among locals.
1. deeply ridged yellow-brown tropical fruit
used raw as a vegetable or in salad or when fully ripe as a dessert
Synonym: star fruit
2. East Indian tree bearing deeply ridged yellow-brown fruit
Synonym: carambola tree Averrhoa carambola