
captivating [ˈkæptɪveɪtɪŋ] [ˈkæptiveitiŋ] 





captivating 基本解释


动词迷住(某人),迷惑( captivate的现在分词 )

captivating 网络解释

1. 迷人的:captivate 迷住 | captivating 迷人的 | captivation 迷惑

2. 表示'有吸引力的:■fascination n. 魅力,迷惑力 | fascinate, charm, captivate, enchant 后直接加ing, 变成形容词 | fascinating, charming, captivating, enchanting 表示'有吸引力的'

3. 使人神魂颠倒的,有魅力的:Delineate 描绘,叙述 | Captivating 使人神魂颠倒的,有魅力的 | Disparaging 蔑视的,毁谤的

4. 嫣:captiouscensoriousfastidiousold-fashionedold-womanishpicky 挑剔的 | captivating 嫣 | captivatingcatchingdishyengagingprepossessingseductivewitching 有魅力的

captivating 词典解释

1. 迷人的;有吸引力的
    Someone or something that is captivating fascinates or attracts you.

    e.g. ...her captivating smile and alluring looks.

captivating 单语例句

1. The scene was so captivating that one cameraman near us fell into the water twice when taking photos.

2. captivating什么意思

2. As China's economy grows, the country's art is captivating Western collectors.

3. Those looking for a chance to stretch their legs while taking in captivating scenery have seen the club's numbers swell since its inception in 2001.

4. The powerful rhythmic energy created by the five performers surged through the audience, who could not help dancing to the captivating music.

5. Television screens carried pictures of the whale for most of the day, captivating Londoners who called radio and television stations asking if they could help.

6. A diverse group of artists and their idiosyncratic styles form an exhibition that is harmonious and quiet yet captivating.

7. Expect none less than a captivating and expressive performance this March, as Bjork's musical and theatrical sides unite.

8. \u0064\u0061\u006E\u0063\u0069\u002E\u0039\u0031\u0031\u0063\u0068\u0061\u002E\u0063\u006F\u006D

8. The wine is beautifully balanced with a captivating nose that offers aromas of roasted coffee and licorice.

9. It is like a chamber edition of Out of Africa, with equally captivating performances in the lead roles.

10. He discussed the company's product portfolio without using one single word of jargon, something that makes him a captivating communicator.

captivating 英英释义



1. capturing interest as if by a spell

    e.g. bewitching smile
           Roosevelt was a captivating speaker
           enchanting music
           an enthralling book
           antique papers of entrancing design
           a fascinating woman

    Synonym: bewitching enchanting enthralling entrancing fascinating
