
capsule [ˈkæpsju:l]  [ˈkæpsul] 








capsule 基本解释


名词胶囊; 航天舱; (植物的)荚; 小容器

形容词压缩的; 概要的

及物动词压缩; 简述; 以瓶盖密封

capsule 相关例句



1. This is a capsule description of the event.


1. The plastic capsule was transparent all the way round.

capsule 情景对话



A:What’s wrong with you? You look pale.

B:I’m not sure, I feel hot and cold.

A:When did the trouble start?

B:I was sick most of the night.

A:It sounds like you are coming down with the flu. Let me take your temperature.

B:Have I got a high fever?

A:Yes, thirty-eight point seven. Do you have a headache, chest or throat pain?
      是的。38.7 度。你头痛吗? 胸和嗓子痛吗?

B:Yes, I have.

A:Now, let me have a look at you. I’d like to listen to your chest. Now breathe in, a deep breath, that’s it. Cough, now again. I want to examine your throut, too. Open wide, say “ah--”.
      来,让我瞧瞧你。 想听听你的胸部,现在往里吸气,深深地吸一口气,对了。咳嗽一下,再咳一次。我还想再查查你的喉咙,把嘴张开,说“啊——”

B:Aaaaahh, aaaaahh.

A:Yes, it does look a bit sore. Let’s take an X-ray of your chest and give you a few tests.

B:All right, thanks.

A:The tests showed nothing wrong. A slight viral infection.

B:What shall I do today?

A:I’m giving you some antibiotics and aspirins. Take an aspirin when you’ve got a fever, and take one antibiotics capsule every four hours, and go home and rest in bed for two days. Drink plenty of water, then you’ll feel better. Here’s the prescription.

B:Thank you, doctor. Good-bye.

capsule 网络解释

1. 胶囊:( 直线运动 ) 30 100 胶囊 (Capsule) 打击伤害,可与其他材料组合 . ( 抛物线运动 ) 30 50 火焰胶囊 (Flame Capsule) 投掷 , 在胶囊基本伤害附加热气属性 ( 抛

2. 荚膜:荚膜 荚膜(capsule)许多细菌胞壁外围绕一层较厚的粘性、胶冻样物质,其厚度在0.2um以上,普通显微镜可见,与四周有明显界限,称为荚膜. 外毒素及其特点 外毒素(exotoxin)细菌在生长过程中由细胞内分泌到细胞外的毒性物质.

3. 囊:受精时,精子以水为媒介,游到颈卵器中,与卵结合成合子,合子在颈卵器中发育成胚,胚发育形成孢子体,孢子体由孢蒴(孢子囊)(capsule)、蒴柄(seta)和基足(foot)构成,孢子体寄生在配子体上,孢子体产生大量孢子,孢子成熟后散落,

capsule 词典解释

1. 911查询·英语单词

1. (口服)胶囊
    A capsule is a very small tube containing powdered or liquid medicine, which you swallow.

    e.g. ...cod liver oil capsules...
    e.g. You can also take red ginseng in convenient tablet or capsule form.

2. capsule

2. (医用或科学研究用的)密封小容器
    A capsule is a small container with a drug or other substance inside it, which is used for medical or scientific purposes.

    e.g. They first implanted capsules into the animals' brains...
    e.g. The clear capsules start dissolving as soon as they are immersed in the lake.

3. (植物的)蒴果,荚膜,孢蒴
    In some plants, a capsule is a part which forms a case or container for seeds, fruit, or spores.

    e.g. ...a large shiny brown nut, enclosed in a large spiny seed capsule.

4. capsule

4. 航天舱;密封舱;太空舱
    A space capsule is the part of a spacecraft in which people travel, and which often separates from the main rocket.

    e.g. A Russian space capsule is currently orbiting the Earth.

capsule 单语例句

1. The next stop for the capsule is the Johnson Space Center in Houston, where scientists will unlock its canister later this week.

2. The Shenzhou 6 is a modified version of Russia's Soyuz capsule.

3. If profiteers or homeowners see no considerable profits from revamping their properties, perhaps the capsule living phenomenon will end on its own.

4. Flight engineers said a set of tiny explosives did not trigger the capsule's parachutes, although the fact that all the explosives failed pointed to another cause.

5. capsule

5. The company allegedly sold industrial gelatin labeled as edible gelatin to capsule producers, the county government's information office said in a statement released on Wednesday.

6. Video images showed the rocket soaring into a cloudless sky, with other pictures from mission control showing a video feed of Yang inside the capsule.

7. CCTV showed astronauts in training being spun blindfolded in a mock space capsule and doing somersaults in simulated weightlessness.

8. capsule的翻译

8. The Ministry of Public Security said on Sunday it had arrested nine suspects, detained 54 and sealed 80 industrial gelatin and gel capsule manufacturing lines.

9. An initial investigation showed that Song had set the fire while trying to destroy evidence that the plant provided industrial gelatin to capsule production companies.

10. capsule的近义词

10. Wang continued to explain that the space docks refer to those between two space flights or between a space flight and a space capsule.

capsule 英英释义


1. capsule

1. a pill in the form of a small rounded gelatinous container with medicine inside

2. a small container

3. a pilot's seat in an airplane that can be forcibly ejected in the case of an emergency
    then the pilot descends by parachute

    Synonym: ejection seat ejector seat

4. a spacecraft designed to transport people and support human life in outer space

    Synonym: space capsule

5. capsule的意思

5. a structure that encloses a body part

6. a shortened version of a written work

    Synonym: condensation abridgement abridgment

7. a dry dehiscent seed vessel or the spore-containing structure of e.g. mosses


1. put in a short or concise form
    reduce in volume

    e.g. capsulize the news

    Synonym: encapsulate capsulize capsulise

2. capsule是什么意思

2. enclose in a capsule

    Synonym: capsulate capsulize capsulise
