
cant [kænt]  [kænt] 

cant 基本解释


名词斜面; 倾斜; (下层社会的)黑话; 言不由衷的话

不及物动词斜穿; 使用黑话(或行话等); 说言不由衷的话

及物动词使具有斜面; 使倾斜; 将…斜掷出去; 猛扔

形容词黑话的; 有斜面的; 斜穿的

cant 相关例句



1. There has been a great deal of politician's cant.

2. He knows thieves' cant.

3. The ship took on a dangerous cant to port.

cant 网络解释

1. 斜面:cant hook 钩杆 | cant 斜面 | cantalite 松脂流纹岩

2. 倾斜:canal tunnel 渠道隧洞 | cant 倾斜 | cant column 多角柱

cant 词典解释

1. (有关道德或宗教的)虚伪言辞,伪善的话,空话
    If you refer to moral or religious statements as cant, you are criticizing them because you think the person making them does not really believe what they are saying.

    e.g. ...politicians holding forth with their usual hypocritical cant.

cant 单语例句

1. " I cant believe they found him, " she told Reuters.

2. How are u supposed to get to know someone when u cant speak to each other for 2 hours.

3. A bank merely opening a new branch is not normally a signifi cant news event.

4. But don't you believe this politicized, exculpating and misleading cant.

cant 英英释义



1. cant

1. two surfaces meeting at an angle different from 90 degrees

    Synonym: bevel chamfer

2. stock phrases that have become nonsense through endless repetition

    Synonym: buzzword


3. insincere talk about religion or morals

    Synonym: pious platitude

4. a characteristic language of a particular group (as among thieves)

    e.g. they don't speak our lingo

    Synonym: slang jargon lingo argot patois vernacular

5. a slope in the turn of a road or track
    the outside is higher than the inside in order to reduce the effects of centrifugal force

    Synonym: bank camber


1. heel over

    e.g. The tower is tilting
           The ceiling is slanting

    Synonym: cant over tilt slant pitch
