



candles 基本解释
蜡烛( candle的名词复数 );
candles 网络解释


1. 蜡烛:把雕像往炮台的桶(BARREL)里一浸,就像象牙做的了(PAINTEDCHEST)里找到火药(GUN-POWDER)、引线(WICK)和蜡烛(CANDLES). 先用清洁棒清理一下大炮(CANNON),依次放入火药、炮弹,装上引线,开炮!没打中. 重来一次,终于打中了苍蝇!!!(老天!

2. 烛台:为了驱逐恶灵,他们会将房子里的炉火和烛台(candles)熄灭(extinguish),将房子弄得很荒凉(inhospitable),好像没人居住一样,这样恶灵就不会进屋去. 他们也会故意穿得很邋遢(sloppilydressed),看起来很丑,这样恶灵就不愿意接近他们了.

3. 蜡烛、烛台:WEDDING 婚礼用品 | CANDLES 蜡烛、烛台 | GREETING 广告礼品

4. 蜡烛/烛台:Wickerwork 柳编 | Candles 蜡烛/烛台 | Country 民族手工艺品

candles 单语例句

1. With electricity available only about two hours a day in much of the city, residents also were buying candles and lanterns.

2. Somber mourners lit thin wax candles and lay flowers near the open casket, where the musician's body lay covered with a white cloth embroidered with a cross.

3. Candles light the entire Baiyun Taoist Temple ceremonial hall where 10 monks dressed in traditional, intricately embroidered and wildly coloured Taoist gowns take turns reading long prayers.

4. candles的解释

4. Parading on a stage that was covered in pine needles, some contestants carried woven baskets or ceremonial candles from their home regions.

5. candles

5. About 100 students at the university lit 12 candles and mourned the victims for an hour at the scene on the chilly Sunday evening.

6. The church leaders then greeted all the cardinals and bishops with a " kiss of peace " before lighting candles for Christian martyrs of different faiths.

7. March saw my birthday come and go in a haze of candles and cake, as Ellen and I planned our upcoming wedding.

8. The memorial hall is a surreal dark room, lit up intermittently by candles.

9. 911查询·英语单词

9. Accompanied by exotic music from Tibet, a troupe of girls dressed in Chinese qipao descend the stairs and light candles.

10. candles什么意思

10. The harmony and tranquillity themes are carried through to the spa and swimming pool areas, there are candles and the scent of beautiful essential oils everywhere.
