
cancellation [ˌkænsəˈleɪʃn]  [ˌkænsəˈleʃən] 


cancellation 基本解释

名词取消; <数>(相)约; 被取消的事物; 作废

cancellation 网络解释

1. 取消预定:这种预定方式,使不履行预定(No show)或取消预定(Cancellation)的概率非常高,淡季甚至会达到50%. (4)顾客需求波动性很大. 在不同季节、时段,租车需求变化很大. 在需求旺季,出现供不应求时,租车公司通过拒绝个人客户的租车预定来保有库存,

2. 取消:[9]美国<<统一商法典>>区分了解除(termination)、取消(cancellation)、拒绝(rejection)、撤回(revocation of acceptance). 在实践中,拒绝履行与合同解除也具有不同的含义. 我国<<合同法>>第66条、67条在规定同时履行抗辩、后履行的抗辩制度时,

3. 划消:并且信息加工速度对癫痫症、注意力缺失(Attention Disorder)、多动症(Hyperactivity Disorder,AHDH)以及脑外伤等神经心理状况很敏感[12],为此,WISC-Ⅳ提供了一个新的分测验--划消(Cancellation),来加强对加工速度

4. 消除:它不是消除(cancellation)的意思,而具有生物学上的含义:同化积极有用的成分,抛弃已遭淘汰的东西. 所以,排除比否定更为复杂.

cancellation 单语例句

1. The Beijing News report says this is evidence of a Beijing cancellation.

2. Problems including widespread disorganization and outright fraud that disenfranchised thousands of voters led several candidates to call for cancellation of the vote.

3. The rumour about cancellation of economical housing first appeared last year and more related reports came out in influential media just recently.

4. The revised law strengthens sanctions against illegal operations through adopting more severe punishments, from criminal penalties to administrative penalties and cancellation of operators'qualifications.

5. But some developers embezzled the funds before buying land or used them for other purposes, which prompted the postponement or cancellation of building projects.

6. 911查询·英语单词

6. The huge economic losses incurred from the cancellation of the projects do not justify the wild pursuit of hydroelectricity by some local governments and businesses.

7. The spokesman for the Ministry of Health has apologized for the recent exam leak scandal, which resulted in the cancellation of the national qualification exams for licensed doctors.

8. He also felt appreciated that China has signed protocols on debt relief and cancellation with 31 African countries under the framework of the HIPC initiative.

9. 911chaxun查询·英语单词大全

9. She reasoned the cancellation of her trip that she must stay here to handle the ongoing flood situation and help her people.

10. cancellation的翻译

10. Whether the cancellation of the meeting was politically motivated or due to Platini needing more time to settle in to his new role remained unclear.

cancellation 英英释义


1. 911查询·英语单词

1. the act of cancelling
    calling off some arrangement

2. 911chaxun查询·英语单词大全

2. the speech act of revoking or annulling or making void
