1. 鸭翼:它舍弃了俄罗斯拿手的鸭翼 (Canard)和SU-47采用的前掠翼设计,而改采类似F-22的传统翼面布局,体现其作战理论已经发生了深刻的变革,由以往的注重超机动格斗能力向超视距攻击转变.
2. 前翼:当时一架法国空军的幻影战斗机在尾随拍摄图-144的前翼(canard)时,飞行员一时大意太过接近正在作机动飞行表演中的图-144,并飞到客机前面而惊吓到客机的机组人员.
3. 鸭式翼:空气力学的车体亦进行了变更,前方采鸭式翼(Canard)形状的大型保险杆(Bumper Extension)为其特征. 此外,承继上一代的三角形(Delta)交*尾翼,采用可调整角度的铝制尾翼.
4. 谣言, 误传:maxicoat (长至脚踝的)特长大衣 | canard 谣言, 误传 | marry out 和本氏族、集团以外的人或宗教信仰不同的人结婚
1. canard
1. (旨在诋毁他人的)不实的报道
A canard is an idea or a piece of information that is false, especially one that is spread deliberately in order to harm someone or their work.
e.g. The charge that Harding was a political stooge may be a canard.
1. " These announcements should sweep away the canard that China is not willing to reduce emissions, " Dudek said.
2. The Congress leaders spread canard against us and never honored us in this alliance.
1. a deliberately misleading fabrication