
campana ['kæmpənə]  ['kæmpənə] 

campana 基本解释
campana 网络解释


1. 坎帕纳:udin)捐赠发现于希腊埃吉纳(Egine)岛/阿提卡制造发现于底比斯的卡比里(Cabires)神庙(位于希腊的彼奥提亚)原为坎帕纳(Campana)收藏/1863年入藏卢浮宫发现于希腊北部的安菲波利斯/阿提卡或塞索斯(Thasos)制造大理石/高52.5厘米,

2. 排钟:这个部分与斯蒂夫合作的阵容是非洲裔黑人钢琴手恰卓.瓦尔德斯(CHUCHO VALDES)、古巴裔低音提琴手安迪.冈萨雷斯(ANDY GONZALEZ)与打击乐手霍拉西奥.赫尔兰德斯(HORACIO HERNANDEZ),后者职分真不轻,爵士鼓、排钟(CAMPANA)、蒂姆巴尔鼓(TIMBALES)、康加鼓(CONGA )和非洲的邦哥鼓(BONGO,

3. 雪茄烟的前端:Camosun cheese 凯莫林干酪 | campana 雪茄烟的前端 | Campbell's Process 凯氏奶粉生产法(一种老的牛乳干燥法)

campana 双语例句

1. Sergio Campana has been re-elected president, Leo Grosso vice president and Gianni Grazioli secretary for the next four years.

2. Campana is senior author of a report on this work that appears in the April issue of The Journal of Clinical Investigation.
    在四月的The Journal of Clinical Investigation上发表了一篇关于这方面工作的报告,Campana是主要作者。


3. Where can I watch Campana del infierno, La movie online free full stream?

4. Siblingship in the design and architecture spheres is not uncommon and for brotherhood we`re in good company with Campana`s and Bouroullec`s to name a few.

5. Designers Fernando and Humberto Campana took the idea one step further and made these chairs, which are essentially a bunch of stuffed animals all piled up and waiting for you to curl up on them.

6. Design Miami 08: here are some photos of the HSBC Private Bank lounge designed by Humberto and Fernando Campana for Design Miami earlier this month.
    设计迈阿密08 :这里有一些照片,汇丰银行私人银行设计的休息室温贝托和费尔南多坎帕设计迈阿密本月初。

7. Still he took his responsibility seriously, so after turning his head to smile at Campana, he quickly looked ahead again as he spoke.

8. Otherwise what else would explain the Banquete Chair with Pandas created by Brazilian artists Fernando and Humberto Campana?
    不然你怎么解释这张由西班牙艺术家Fernando和Humberto Campana创作的熊猫盛宴椅的模样?

9. Italy's Interior Minister Roberto Maroni said the capture of Campana was a big blow against his organisation.

10. The Campana Brothers were asked to create a modern day, contemporary version of a gloriette.


11. In any case, The Campana Brothers wished to design a place for relaxation close to nature where one can enjoy the sun.

campana 英英释义


1. the shape of a bell

    Synonym: bell bell shape
