camp david

camp david

camp david 基本解释

camp david的翻译

[法] 大卫营

camp david 网络解释

1. 戴维营:虽然奥巴马现在仍旧没有固定的教会做主日礼拜,但是他在采访的时候重申说,他和家人一直有参加戴维营(Camp David)举行的跨宗派主日崇拜. 目前,他的团队也仍旧在帮助他寻找一间合适的教会. 奥巴马曾经是芝加哥联合基督教会20多年的会友,

2. 大卫营:大洋网讯 <<星期泰晤士报>>报道,虽然英国首相布莱尔(Tony Blair)一直不愿对美国总统布什所提的导弹防御系统计划公开表态,但是根据接近首相府的消息来源指出,布莱尔已经决定在本星期两国领袖于大卫营(Camp David)碰面时,向小布希表达合作的意愿,

3. 位于马里兰州的总统度假地戴维营:capitalism 资本主义 | Camp David 位于马里兰州的总统度假地戴维营 | cannon 大炮;炮袭

4. 戴维营( 美国总统休假地):cabinet 内阁 | Camp David 戴维营( 美国总统休假地) | campaign 竞选活动

camp david 单语例句

1. camp david

1. When the Bushes go to Camp David for the weekend, she's almost always there.

2. camp david的反义词

2. Bush has a penchant for taking foreign leaders to Camp David, where the leafy environs provide an informal setting for close talks.

3. camp david

3. Bush returned to Washington after spending the weekend at Camp David in Maryland.

4. Officials said President Bush met with some of his top national security advisers at Camp David last weekend and discussed war options.

5. Bush worked to finalize his nomination over the weekend at the Camp David presidential retreat in Maryland before returning to Washington on Sunday afternoon.

6. Bush traditionally attends the annual Gridiron Club dinner but was conferring with Brazil's president at Camp David on Saturday.

7. Bush poses with visitors on the South Lawn of the White House April 20, 2008 upon his return to Washington from Camp David.

8. In a menu likely to please the US cattle industry, cheeseburgers will be served at the Camp David luncheon.

9. Obama has not been in Iowa this weekend and returned on Sunday to the White House from a brief trip to Camp David.

10. The president usually spends weekends at Camp David, but remained in town to attend Saturday evening's annual Gridiron dinner.

camp david 英英释义

camp david的解释


1. camp david

1. a retreat to the northwest of Washington that is used by the president of the United States
