
camellia [kəˈmi:liə]  [kəˈmiljə] 


camellia 基本解释


camellia 网络解释


1. 山茶花:4月29日山茶花:(Camellia) 花语:魅力 花占卜:你灭有夸张造作的表情,自认为只是这宇宙内细小的一分子,不会在人前炫耀. 其实在异性眼中,你是很有魅力的人,可能你的谦虚美德,更能给人良好的印象. 幸运花:玫瑰,郁金香,大波斯菊 花箴言:大彻大悟才

2. 山茶:此外,还有多种受威胁针叶树种、槭树(Acer)、杜鹃(Rhododendron)、山茶(Camellia)也分布在中越边境地区. 但它们是否也在越南分布,是否应该采取区域上联合的保护对策,一直没有相对充分的研究. 接近一个月的中越野外联合考察工作取得了丰硕成果.

3. 山茶属:摘要: 山茶属(Camellia)是东亚分布的特有属,绝大多数种类分布在中国.该属280种中仅有42种分布在中南半岛到印度尼西亚、菲律宾、巴布亚新几内亚以及日本.在中国北回归线两侧集中了最多的种类,由此向南在中南半岛迅速递减,

camellia 词典解释

1. 山茶(树)
    A camellia is a large bush that has shiny leaves and large white, pink, or red flowers similar to a rose.

camellia 单语例句

1. In the Yufeng Temple, there is a world famous camellia tree.

2. It is said this camellia tree was planted between 1465 and 1487 during the Ming Dynasty before the temple was built.

3. The damage also means China may have to import bamboos, resin and camellia oil or their substitutes to make up for their loss.

4. camellia在线翻译

4. Zhu said that the camellia oil extracted with traditional techniques gave out a marvelous fragrance when cooked in a pot.

5. The camellia jar from the Shanghai Museum stands 25 cm high and 10 cm wide at the bottom.

6. I have a favorite pot of camellia flowers that have bloomed over several springs.

7. Camellia oil has always been a major source of income for many villagers living in the deep mountains.

8. camellia什么意思

8. Two rare camellia trees more than 700 years old mark its entrance.

9. camellia的近义词

9. On Fruit Tree Street stands a camellia tree more than 500 years old.

10. In the eyes of the Naxi, the Great Camellia is the symbol of true love.

camellia 英英释义


1. any of several shrubs or small evergreen trees having solitary white or pink or reddish flowers

    Synonym: camelia
