
cam [kæm]  [kæm] 

cam 基本解释


cam 网络解释


1. 凸轮:直径 6 的 POM 凸轮 (cam) 零件成形中,在约一万个成形时,小型 (core) 破损了,数度重做後,仍有许多货无法交出. 破损部位是心型咬切部厚度约 lmm 的地方,在公差范围内附设 R 也没有什麽效果. 每天进行分解清扫等维护工作,

2. 计算机辅助制造:UGS 的软件产品涵盖协同产品数据管理(cPDM)、计算机辅助设计(CAD)、计算机辅助制 造(CAM)、计算机辅助工程(CAE)以及数字制造仿真(数字化工厂)等全套方案.

3. 电脑辅助制造:(i) 计算机科学与工程专业(ii) IT 专业 (iii) 计算机系统与网络专业(i) 电气与电子工程专业(ii) 电子专业 (iii) 电子系统专业(2) 电脑辅助设计(CAD)(4) 电脑辅助制造(CAM)

4. 柬埔寨:尔(NEP)柬埔寨(CAM) 阿曼(OMN)中国(CHN)巴勒斯坦(PAL)香港(HKG) 巴基斯坦(PAK)印度尼西亚(INA)菲律宾(PHI)印度(IND)朝鲜(PRK)伊朗(IRN)卡塔尔(QAT)伊拉克(IRQ)新加坡(SIN)约旦(JOR)斯里兰卡(SRI)日本(JPN)叙利亚(SYR)哈萨克斯坦(KAZ)泰国(THA)吉尔吉斯斯坦(KGZ)塔吉克斯坦(TJK)韩国(KOR)土库曼斯坦(TKM)沙特阿拉伯(KSA)中国

5. cam:intercellular adhesion molecule-; 细胞粘附分子

6. cam:computer-aided manufacturing; 计算机辅助制造

7. cam:the calculator assistance manage; 计算机辅助管理

8. cam:computer-assisted measurement; 计算机辅助测量

cam 单语例句

1. The CAM was established in 1991 as approved by the State Council.

2. cam

2. Carolina's Cam Newton threw for 502 yards with four TDs and no picks while rushing for 202 and two scores in two games against them.

3. Her arrival in 2006 brought thousands more visitors to the zoo and millions of clicks to an online panda cam.

4. Panda fans have been keeping up with the duo on the zoo Web site's panda cam and live video feeds at the exhibit.

5. I will be at home watching the panda cam and waiting for the news of what the little one's name will be.

6. 911查询·英语单词

6. One reports says even goes to say Jen and the cam man have been dating for several weeks.

7. Cam Ward made 25 saves for the Hurricanes, who won their seventh straight home game against Florida.

8. 911chaxun查询·英语单词

8. " I don't know if I can be counted as a successful Web cam dance girl, " that early post continued.

9. My mom always grumbles that we waste too much time on the phone and in front of the Web cam.

10. The kids decide to investigate, suspecting that an Internet Web cam may somehow have a role in the death.

cam 英英释义



1. a rotating disk shaped to convert circular into linear motion
