call in

call in [kɔ:l in]  [kɔl ɪn] 

call in 基本解释

叫(某人)进来; 来访; 找[请]来; 用电话通知

call in 情景对话



A:This is the Royal Hotel operator, can I help you?

B:Hello. I would like to make a collect call, please.

A:What is your name, and where are you now, please?

B:This is Tom, Li in China.
      汤姆;我叫汤姆。 李,在中国。

A:What's the extension number?

B:The number is 245.

A:May I speak to Mr. Janson, please?


A:This is hotel operator. I have a collect call from Mr. Tom, Li in China. Will you accept the charge?

C:Yes, of course. I'm waiting for his call.

A:Hello, Mr. Li, are you here?

B:Yes, I am.

A:I will put the call through for you now.

call in 词典解释

1. 请来;找来
    If you call someone in, you ask them to come and help you or do something for you.

    e.g. Call in an architect or surveyor to oversee the work.

2. 顺路拜访;顺道走访
    If you call in somewhere, you make a short visit there.

    e.g. He just calls in occasionally...
    e.g. I got into the habit of calling in on Gloria on my way home.

call in 单语例句

1. We have a significant presence in China what we call a complete business operation.

2. Critics call the practice " wombs for rent, " but surrogacy has emerged as a booming business in India.

3. Analysts said the Butler report would be a relief to Blair, who is expected to call a general election in 2005.

4. Anyone in need of help could press the call button outside the elevator, and working staff in the control room would provide service.

5. Many Japanese husbands call their wives " you " rather than addressing them by name, or in some cases merely grunt.

6. A resolution passed by the UN in 2004 did call for the disarmament of all militias in Lebanon.

7. call in的解释

7. US Treasury Secretary Henry Paulson was to take part in the call.

8. \u0039\u0031\u0031\u67E5\u8BE2\u00B7\u82F1\u8BED\u5355\u8BCD

8. Some might even call it a mining bubble, if property prices in Perth are any guide.

9. Why would you behave in a manner that we might call hasty later on?

10. The supertanker is the first to call at Es Sider in at least two years, the data shows.

call in 英英释义

call in的反义词


1. make a phone call

    e.g. call in to a radio station
           call in sick

2. summon to a particular activity or employment

    e.g. Experts were called in

3. summon to enter

    e.g. The nurse called in the next patient

4. cause to be returned

    e.g. recall the defective auto tires
           The manufacturer tried to call back the spoilt yoghurt

    Synonym: recall call back withdraw

5. demand payment of (a loan)

    e.g. Call a loan

    Synonym: call

6. take a player out of a game in order to exchange for another player

7. pay a brief visit

    e.g. The mayor likes to call on some of the prominent citizens

    Synonym: visit call
