
caliche [kə'li:tʃi:]  [kə'li:tʃi:] 

caliche 基本解释


名词钙结层; 生硝,硝酸钠

caliche 网络解释


1. 生硝:calibre 口径 | caliche 生硝 | calking 敛缝

2. 钙质层:Caledonian mountain-building movement加里东造山运动 | caliche钙质层 | capital accumulation资本累积

3. 钙结层:改造波痕modified ripple | 钙结层caliche | 钙质结核calcareous nodules

4. 卡利许 硝石层 钙积层 硬盘 生硝:caliceal 盏的 | caliche 卡利许 硝石层 钙积层 硬盘 生硝 | caliche 钙质壳钙结层

caliche 双语例句

1. She buried him the next morning. Digging in that hard old caliche.

2. This paper demonstrates that the shading image of caliche lamination can be obtained by using an ordinary scanner, and then the characteristic curve of the image can be automatically est

3. Caliche on gravel, as an indicator of variation of sedimentary environment, records relatively complete information on environment and climate.

4. Covered with caliche, a hard calcium-carbonate encrusted soil.


5. For hard to soften some of the alloy annealed in the quenching after the regular use of high-temperature tempering, so that the appropriate aggregation carbide steel, will reduce the hardness to cut processing of caliche.

6. ESR dating of caliche in lake deposit from the Yanqing basin, beijing

7. Caliche crusts are secondary products formed by the dissolution of meteoric water on former lithified sediments and rocks during their exposure into subaerial vadose environments.


8. Image scanning analysis of caliche MICRO-LAMINATION and its significance to the dating method


9. Carbon - oxygen isotopic characteristics of the caliche from the Huanghai Sea

caliche 英英释义



1. caliche的翻译

1. nitrate-bearing rock or gravel of the sodium nitrate deposits of Chile and Peru

2. caliche的翻译

2. crust or layer of hard subsoil encrusted with calcium-carbonate occurring in arid or semiarid regions

    Synonym: hardpan
