
cactus [ˈkæktəs]  [ˈkæktəs] 


第三人称复数:cactuses; cacti

cactus 基本解释


cactus 相关例句


1. There we could see nothing but cacti.

cactus 网络解释

1. 仙人掌绿:737 Bright green 翠绿 | 738 cactus 仙人掌绿 | 740 Leaf 叶绿

2. 仙人掌花:herbaceous peony 芍药 | cactus 仙人掌花 | mayflower 五月花

3. 仙人掌=========呃. . . 这个也是花:begonia 秋海棠 | cactus 仙人掌=========呃. . . 这个也是花??? | camellia 山茶花

cactus 词典解释

1. 仙人掌
    A cactus is a thick fleshy plant that grows in many hot, dry parts of the world. Cacti have no leaves and many of them are covered in prickles.

cactus 单语例句

1. The other day I bought a cactus, took it home and watered it.

2. The modified dress will depict landscapes of corn and cactus fields and decorative elements from Indian cultures.

3. 911查询·英语单词

3. Wang has now become known as Uncle Cactus among students after the owner posted her story on a social networking site.

4. cactus

4. The worm is taken from the agave cactus as well and is added to smooth the strong taste of the liquor.

5. Sutton got stung on her elbow and compared it to brushing against a cactus.

cactus 英英释义



1. cactus的反义词

1. any succulent plant of the family Cactaceae native chiefly to arid regions of the New World and usually having spines
