1. 字节型:ng)用于保存整数② 单精度型(Single) 用来表示带有小数部分的实数④货币型(Currency)是一种专门为处理货币而设计的数⑤ 字节型(Byte)用来存储二进制数.⑵ 日期(Data)数据类型⑶ 逻辑(Boolean)数据类型逻辑数据类型用于逻辑判断,
2. 位组:如果插上单数的EDO记忆体模组,有些主机板就不能正常工作了Flash Memory (快闪记忆体) 一种 EEPROM, 烧录时一次写入一整个区块, 速度比一次写入一个位组 (BYTE) 的 EEPROM 快.新式的电脑使用 FLASH MEMORY 作为储存 BIOS 的组件,
1. 字节(计算机存储单位,约等于一个印刷字符)
In computing, a byte is a unit of storage approximately equivalent to one printed character.
e.g. ...two million bytes of data.
1. Future communication as well as the media will be relayed largely from byte to byte.
1. a sequence of 8 bits (enough to represent one character of alphanumeric data) processed as a single unit of information