by letter

by letter [bai ˈletə]  [baɪ ˈlɛtɚ] 

by letter 基本解释


by letter 情景对话


A:Three twenty-five cent stamps, please.
      请给我三张25 分的邮票。

B:Here you are. Seventy-five cents, please.
      好的。请给我75 分。

A:And please send this letter by registered mail.

B:Is there anything valuable in it?

A:There’s a check for two hundred dollars and a photograph.
      里面有一张200 元的支票及一张照片。

B:Shall I make out a receipt?

A:No, don’t bother.

B:That will be ninety-five cents in all.
      那总共需要95 分。


A:Good morning, Jacques. Nice talking to you again.How’s the weather in your part of the world?

B:Couldn’t be better, Rocky.Sunny, 29°, light breeze...

A:Stop! I can’t take any more.So, what can I do for you, Jacques?

B:I need a couple of your SB2000 speedboats to rent to guests. Can you give me a price quote?

A:Let’s see... Uh, the list price is $6,500 U.S. You’re a valued customer, so I’ll give you a 10% discount.

B:That’s very reasonable. Do you have them in stock?

A:Sure do! We set up new inventory controls last year, so we don’t have many backlogs any more.

B:That’s good. The tourist season is just around the corner, so I need them pretty quick. What’s the earliest shipping date you can manage?

A:They can be ready for shipment in 2-3 weeks.

B:Perfect.What’s the total CIF price, Rocky?

A:Hang on ... The price will be $15,230 U.S. to your usual port. Do we have a deal?

B:You bet! Send me a fax with all the information, and I’ll send you my order right away. I’ll pay by irrevocable letter of credit, as usual. Same terms as always?

A:Of course.

B:Great! Nice doing business with you again, Rocky. Bye for now, and say hello to the family for me.

A:Will do, and the same goes for me. Bye, Jacques.

by letter 网络解释

1. 以书信方式:by lease 以租借方式 | by letter 以书信方式 | by main strength 全靠力气

2. 以书信形式:let in 让...进来,放进 | by letter 以书信形式 | to the letter 严格按照字句

3. 用书面方式,用书面:by law 次要法规,按照法律 | by letter 用书面方式,用书面 | by mail 以邮寄方式,邮寄

4. 用信件:by telegram 用电报 | by letter 用信件 | by express 用快件

by letter 单语例句

1. by letter是什么意思

1. It resumed the business in September, after getting a letter by the State Administration for Industry and Commerce.

2. Justice Lam received a threatening letter, signed by " Chan Chun Chuen " last month.

3. " Jin Renqing submitted a letter of resignation by himself, " according to government briefing.

4. by letter什么意思

4. They kept in close contact by letter and gradually became good friends.

5. She revealed that she always kept in touch with the star of the Matrix, but by letter and not email because Reeves does not have a computer.

6. The foundation notified all donors by letter within the last 10 days to let them know their names would be published on its Web site.

7. Toyota will notify owners of the vehicles by letter of the recall in early June, he said.

8. Ma also vowed to improve postal services in urban areas by increasing letter box coverage in residential buildings.

9. Xu was so moved by the letter that he requested government departments to take care of Liu's fees.

10. GLASGOW - Celtic manager Neil Lennon hailed his team's " tremendous " fans on Thursday for their support after he was targetted by a letter bomber.
