by hook or crook

by hook or crook [bai huk ɔ: krʊk]  [baɪ hʊk ɔr krʊk] 

by hook or crook 基本解释

by hook or crook的翻译


by hook or crook 网络解释

by hook or crook的近义词

1. 不择手段:by heart 熟记 | by hook or crook 不择手段 | by hook 用尽方法

2. 不择手段地,千方百计地:with honors以优异的成绩 | by hook or crook不择手段地,千方百计地 | off the hook脱身,脱离险境或困境

3. 千方百计:不教不成材 Spare the rod , and spoil the child. | 千方百计 by hook or crook | 适者生存 Fit most, and survive at last.

by hook or crook 单语例句

1. Goldman Sachs will pursue its own profit by hook or by crook.

2. 911chaxun查询·英语单词

2. They are the latest victims of the online media striving to increase website traffic by hook or by crook.

3. 911chaxun查询·英语单词

3. They are ready to enter the Chinese market by hook or by crook, inflating the real estate and stock market bubbles.

4. The quest for profit by hook or by crook has poisoned the social atmosphere.

5. by hook or crook什么意思

5. From smuggling to selling kidneys, many Chinese are determined to get an iPhone by hook or by crook.

6. But by hook or by crook, we have managed to get her to come to Hong Kong.
