by accident

by accident [bai ˈæksidənt]  [baɪ ˈæksɪdənt] 

by accident 基本解释

误; 偶然地; 不经意

by accident 反义词

副词on purpose

by accident 相关例句


1. He met Tom by accident.

by accident 网络解释

1. 偶然:年轻人是很偶然(by accident)找到工作的,而不考虑提升(promotion)的机会(opportunity),快乐和安全的因素. 结果他们找的工作给他们很少甚至根本没有满足感. 我们的大学毕业生面临着如此激烈的竞争(competition),因此他们很少在乎从事何种工作,

2. 碰巧:有时某些事情无缘无故(for no reason)地,而非碰巧(by accident),从远处(from a distance),作为礼物式(as gifts)地发生在作者身上. 由后文中的Once, she was wondering how to...有所暗示. 作者一直在纳闷如何完成一个以古代中国为背景的布景场景(scene)的故事,

3. 偶然,无意中:by chance 偶然 | by accident 偶然,無意中 | by leaps and bounds 大幅度地

4. 是偶然:But we have to deal with it. 我得处理这件事情. | By accident. 是偶然. | Damn, you are killing me. 该死,你要弄死我.

by accident 单语例句

1. 911chaxun查询·英语单词

1. " And Yang's cheating was exposed by accident in March, " police said.

2. Qin ran into one of them by accident in 2009 and immediately called the police.

3. Tim Holy and Zhongsheng Guo at Washington University School of Medicine in Missouri discovered the murine melodies by accident.

4. This remarkable feat is all the more amazing when one considers that MTV came about almost by accident.

5. After the robbery, one man surnamed Du allegedly drove the getaway car into a cyclist by accident.

6. The ship was found by accident in 1987 by the Guangzhou salvage bureau and a British underwater salvage company.

7. It is largely believed that the screwdriver was put inside the motor by accident during the manufacturing process.

8. By accident, the next day I met one of the guest " consultants " at a party.

9. But a senior Interior Ministry official said a gas canister had exploded by accident.

10. Yang's cheating was exposed by accident in March 2004, local police said.
