







buys 基本解释
购买,购得( buy的第三人称单数 );做出牺牲以获得;够支付;买通;
buys 网络解释

1. (买家):Country of Destination (目的国) : | Buys(买家): | P.O. NO/Reference No(定单编号/参考号码):

2. 已卖出数量:click 点击数 | buys 已卖出数量 | imgb 大图

3. 购买; 所购的物品:maple 槭树(俗称枫树 | buys 购买; 所购的物品 | a good buy , ie a useful purchase or a bargain 便宜货

buys 单语例句

1. But the CBRC will back central SOEs'buys in the banking sector provided they are in emerging industries like telecom and electronics.

2. The central bank buys dollars to prevent the value of the Chinese currency from rising from the inflows of export earnings.


3. In addition to helping her clean the house and do the laundry, the young woman buys Li food and has helped pay her medical bills.

4. buys

4. In a reverse merger, a closely held company buys a publicly traded shell and retains the US listing.

5. A common tactic in legal disputes is to prolong the court process, which buys companies more time to sell their products.

6. Tao said the government buys around 30 percent of the company's output.

7. China owns a 40 percent stake in the major oil consortium drilling in Sudan, and it buys half of Sudan's crude exports.

8. China Metal Recycling buys scrap steel, copper and other metals from international and domestic suppliers.

9. After a video website buys the exclusive copyright for a TV drama, it often resells it to a number of other websites to recover its investment.

10. She says the socks she buys from Yiwu are well received in Croatia, and her shop sells more than 300 pairs every month.
