
buying ['baɪɪŋ]  ['baɪɪŋ] 








buying 基本解释



动词购买,购得( buy的现在分词 ); 做出牺牲以获得; 够支付; 买通

buying 情景对话


A:I’d like to open a current account.

B:Certainly. May I see your social security and your ID, please.

A:Here you are. I wonder how much interest can I earn from a current account.

B:Oh, current account don’t pay out interest.

A:Why is that?

B:It’s primarily designed for business transactions. That is, writing checks to pay for bills, buying things and sending money.We won’t expect a large amount of deposit in a current account.

A:I see. How do I draw money for my own use then?

B:In that case you can write yourself a cash check and draw money for yourself.


A:: Madam, can I help you at all?

B:I hope so. I’m shopping around for computer system with a view to purchasing several.

A:May I ask who you are buying for?

B:ABC company. My name is Dr. Wang.

A:Ah, welcome to London, Dr. Wang. We’ve done quite a lot of business with your company in the past, I believe.

B:That’s right.

A:Would you like to step up here for a demonstration? We’ve made improvements since we last did business with you.

B:Later on, perhaps. Right now I’d like to have a good look at your brochure.

A:Certainly. Take as many as you need. Come back any time you’re ready.



A:Bob, do you want to go grocery shopping with me?

B:Where are you going—to the corner shop down the road or to the new supermarket downtown?

A:I thought we could go to the new supermarket to check it out. Maybe they’ll have some of those olives that you like so much.

B:Alright. Have you made your shopping list?

A:No, I thought we’d just have a look.

B:You know what they say. You should never go grocery shopping when you are hungry.

A:Why not?

B:Because you’ll end up buying a lot more food than you normally would. Maybe we should at least give ourselves a budget to work with.

A:Fine. We won’t spend any more than $50.
      好,我们不要超过50 美元。

B:Ok. Let’s go!

buying 网络解释

1. 买盘:buy a dip 下跌时买入/逢低买入 | buying 买盘 | cap (趋势)受阻

2. 收购名单:Selling 挂牌名单 | Buying 收购名单 | Contracts 合同

3. 改为过去式:44.receives the phone改为answers the phone | 45.buying改为过去式bought | 46.Turning改为Turn

buying 单语例句

1. Clothing was the commodity most often bought by the business elite, with more than a quarter of managers surveyed buying clothing more than once a month.

2. buying的反义词

2. Buying Taifook Securities would be a good supplement to CCB's business segments, analysts say.

3. A businesswoman surnamed Gao was sentenced recently to two years'imprisonment in Shanghai for buying stolen property.

4. And I hope people in Seattle are too busy buying season tickets to notice.

5. No trader likes to miss buying at his preferred price because he was too slow to click the mouse button.

6. buying是什么意思

6. Over time, you essentially buy back the computer from the bank by buying computer cards.

7. buying什么意思

7. Aimed at helping Chinese companies buy into overseas markets, it is being seen as a major milestone in China's unprecedented international buying spree.

8. Individuals should not buy medicines to prevent or fight this new influenza without a prescription, and they should exercise caution in buying antivirals over the Internet.

9. The buying comes despite a breakdown in talks between Glazer and Cubic Expression over the American wanting to buy the Irish investors'stake.

10. buying的解释

10. A person buying tickets for other people needs to present those people's ID cards and can buy no more than three tickets at a time.

buying 英英释义


1. the act of buying

    e.g. buying and selling fill their days
           shrewd purchasing requires considerable knowledge

    Synonym: purchasing
