buy up

buy up [bai ʌp]  [baɪ ʌp] 

buy up 基本解释

买进; 全部买下

buy up 相关例句


1. They bought up all the sugar in London.

buy up 网络解释

buy up

1. 全买;尽可能买进:buy out 出钱使(某人)放弃地位 | buy up 全买;尽可能买进 | call at 作短暂访问;停(泊)

2. 全部买下:but for除...以外,倘没有,除非 | buy up全部买下 | by all means无论如何,必定

3. 全买:buy time 争取时间 | buy up 全买 | buy

4. 全部买进,尽量收购:44turn out结果是,证明为 | 45buy up全部买进,尽量收购 | 46bring ... to life使有活力(或生气)

buy up 词典解释
buy up在线翻译

1. 大量买进,全部买下(土地、房产或商品)
    If you buy up land, property, or a commodity, you buy large amounts of it, or all that is available.

    e.g. The mention of price rises sent citizens out to their shops to buy up as much as they could...
    e.g. The tickets will be on sale from somewhere else because the agencies have bought them up.

buy up 单语例句

1. Chen said he planned to buy an apartment and open up a business with his newfound wealth.

2. Customers in the US could shop and buy the device anywhere they are and pick up their purchase at any Apple retail store.

3. Wall Street traders who were tracking the tally on television began to buy in, sending up the index.

4. buy up的意思

4. They line up despite the fact that the pizza at Pizza Hut is not the cheapest meal you can buy in Shanghai.

5. But Gramps refused to buy into the new sterling and hankered after his old money, right up to his passing in 1996.

6. buy up的近义词

6. People line up to buy tickets to tour National Stadium, better known as the Bird's Nest.

7. Others buy gold out of fear the money created as the US props up its banking system will lead to inflation.

8. buy up是什么意思

8. Shoppers nationwide went scurrying to the supermarket to buy more cooking oil over the past few days before prices shoot up more than 15 percent.

9. Their success has inspired TV production companies to buy up similar time travel tales for 2012.

10. For those who buy five tickets or more at a time, there are discounts of up to 40 percent.

buy up 英英释义

buy up什么意思


1. take over ownership of
    of corporations and companies

    Synonym: take over buy out
