buy off

buy off [bai ɔf]  [baɪ ɔf] 

buy off 基本解释

买通; 贿赂,收买(某人)

buy off 情景对话


A:I am going to be home a little bit late tonight. You’ll have to have supper on your own.

B:Why is that?

A:There’s a big sale at Macy’s today. Everything is either buy one, get one free, or half price.

B:You’re not going to spend all of our money, are you?

A:Of course not. The offer is too good to pass up, isn’t it?

B:I guess so. Would you mind picking up some shirts for me if you see some?

A:Sure, which color would you like?

B:A green and a light blue one.

A:Ok. Would you like long sleeve or short sleeve shirts?

B:Long sleeves, please.

A:Do you need anything else?

B:Check out the appliances section. We could really need another washing machine.

A:Ok, I will. Hopefully that will be half off instead of buy one get one free.

B:Just have a look.

A:Anything else?

B:Actually, we could use a new lawn mower. And maybe a grill for the backyard.

A:Do you just want to come along? It might be easier if we both went.

B:Yeah, you’re right. Let’s go!

A:Do you have any money?

B:No, but I have plenty of credit cards.

A:Maybe I should hang on to those. I know what happens when you get around tools and machines!

buy off 网络解释


1. 收买:北伐后,对中国各地军阀,日本常使用收买(buy off)或者建立特殊关系(create special links)的手段加以利用. 随后日本搜罗中国合作者(Chinese collaborators)建立对日友善的华北地区政府.

2. 收买,买下:ankles,脚踝 | buy off 收买,买下 | be down with sb. 和sb.是一伙的

3. [俗] 收买; 贿赂 纳款以免军役; 出钱以获释放:buy it 被杀; 被枪杀 (解答不了谜语、问题等)而撒手, 放弃 | buy off [俗] 收买; 贿赂 纳款以免军役; 出钱以获释放 | buy out 购买(某人的)产权或全部货物 买通某人使放弃地位[股份] [军]捐钱免役

4. 买断:59.idolized star:偶像派 | off:买断 | 61.winning hearts and minds:得民心者的天下

buy off 词典解释

1. 收买;贿赂
    If you say that a person or organization buys off another person or group, you are criticizing the fact that they are giving them something such as money so that they will not complain or cause trouble.

    e.g. ...policies designed to buy off the working-class vote...
    e.g. In buying your children all these things, you are in a sense buying them off.

buy off 单语例句

1. My gut reaction upon hearing of garlic's rise was to get off my butt and go buy as much as I could.

2. Customers who are interested cannot buy off the shelf and will need to book in advance.

3. Some candidates buy off both those above them and those who vote for them.

4. " But we don't buy sharks off the street, " Orta told the station.

5. Many people buy cars to show off their wealth and social status.

6. Passengers can buy food after getting off trains to eat outside stations.

7. The money to buy land must be paid off within 60 days of the land deal.

8. But a seemingly growing clientele ready to buy dissertations to pass them off as their own makes me nauseous.

9. Rich people in and outside China buy luxury products to show off their wealth and status.

10. 911查询·英语单词

10. Cook said Mac revenue was also hurt as businesses that typically buy more expensive models continued to put off technology spending.

buy off 英英释义



1. pay someone with influence in order to receive a favor

    Synonym: pay off
