
butts [bʌts]  [bʌts] 






butts 基本解释
屁股;烟蒂;笑柄( butt的名词复数 );粗大的一端;
butts 网络解释

1. 短硬黄麻根纤维:buttress jackscrew 锯齿型起重螺杆 | butts 短硬黄麻根纤维 | buturon 播土隆除草剂

2. 短硬苎麻根纤维;臀部粪污毛:經紗起毬 buttoning | 短硬苧麻根纖維;臀部糞污毛 butts | 扣眼剪 butttonhole scissors

3. 巴次:巴顿群岛 Button Is. | 巴次 Butts | 巴土安 Butuan

butts 单语例句

1. butts的近义词

1. The people here simply do not discard wrapping paper, bags or cigarette butts with the gay abandon seen elsewhere.

2. butts

2. I must confess I haven't paid attention to cigarette butts in the streets of Beijing or other major cities in China.

3. butts的翻译

3. Nor should it be a city with its pavements dotted by cigarette butts and stains of phlegm.

4. He said he experimented just out of a whim but found the rope made of butts was tough and enduring.

5. " Construction workers used to litter cigarette butts all around in the building, " said a woman surnamed Zhao who lived in the block.

6. She picked up butts of cigarettes left by visitors and imitated human beings smoking.

7. A Chinese man has used cigarette butts to make ropes for the past seven years, with their total length reaching approximately 300 meters.

8. butts的翻译

8. The ban will likely mean more unsightly cigarette butts on sidewalks and in gutters.

9. Spitting and throwing cigarette butts on the road are other examples of bad sanitary and waste disposal habits.

10. China needs to put some rules and regulations on their butts, that is what China needs.
