
butcher [ˈbʊtʃə(r)]  [ˈbʊtʃɚ] 




butcher 基本解释


名词肉铺; 屠夫,屠户; 屠杀者,刽子手; 残酷的人

及物动词屠宰; 屠杀; 弄砸,弄糟; 把…处死刑

butcher 网络解释


1. 屠戶:那位同学后来凑了几千美元的保释金(bail)暂时出狱,再请律师完成认罪协议后(plead guilty)后,缴了约$300美元的罚款结案. Gainesville地区应该也没有屠户(butcher)的店可以看看是否能按我们的意思帮我们准备肉品.

2. 職業:(除了那个让人肃然起敬的职业(butcher)之外,克里夫还当过一名高中体育老师. 现年74岁的他目前的主要工作是与格里夫斯(Jimmy Greaves)共同主持一个电台餐后讨论节目,此外他还经常作为白鹿巷球场荣誉室的解说员出现在游客面前.

3. 屠夫,肉商:bus driver: 公车(巴士)司机 | butcher: 屠夫,肉商 | buyer: 采购员

butcher 词典解释

1. 屠夫;屠户;肉贩子
    A butcher is a shopkeeper who cuts up and sells meat. Some butchers also kill animals for meat and make foods such as sausages and meat pies.

2. 肉铺;肉店
    A butcher or a butcher's is a shop where meat is sold.

3. 屠宰
    To butcher an animal means to kill it and cut it up for meat.

    e.g. Pigs were butchered, hams were hung to dry from the ceiling.

4. 刽子手;杀人狂
    You can refer to someone as a butcher when they have killed a lot of people in a very cruel way, and you want to express your horror and disgust.

    e.g. Klaus Barbie was known in France as the Butcher of Lyon.

5. 屠戮;残杀
    You can say that someone has butchered people when they have killed a lot of people in a very cruel way, and you want to express your horror and disgust.

    e.g. Guards butchered 1,350 prisoners...
    e.g. Our people are being butchered in their homes.

butcher 单语例句

1. butcher的近义词

1. Butcher's remarks came as a result of his confidence in the robust Chinese economy.

2. butcher在线翻译

2. The ox broke loose when a butcher tried slaughtering it and injured two members of the butcher's family as it ran out on the street.

3. After police arrested him and two more officers arrived, police said the father pulled out a butcher knife and tried to stab an officer.

4. Police and animal protection volunteers rescued six dogs from the clutches of an unlicensed butcher in Mentougou district last Friday.

5. butcher的翻译

5. A window pane which fell several storeys was still intact after crashing onto the head of a butcher working below.

6. 911查询·英语单词

6. The furious dad stormed round to the butcher who supplied the meat with the syringe needle.

7. I find the best lamb chops are loin, rib or sirloin so ask the butcher for details.

8. danci.911cha.com

8. I have a wonderful teacher named Emily who works with me and is very patient when I butcher her language.

9. He took a few other shortlived jobs before deciding to open his own butcher shop in 2000.

10. 911查询·英语单词

10. If someone was born in a year of the Ox and is surnamed Niu, he should probably not become a butcher.

butcher 英英释义


1. someone who makes mistakes because of incompetence

    Synonym: bungler blunderer fumbler bumbler stumbler sad sack botcher fuckup

2. a person who slaughters or dresses meat for market

    Synonym: slaughterer

3. a brutal indiscriminate murderer

4. a retailer of meat

    Synonym: meatman


1. kill (animals) usually for food consumption

    e.g. They slaughtered their only goat to survive the winter

    Synonym: slaughter
