
busted [ˈbʌstɪd]  [ˈbʌstɪd] 






busted 基本解释

动词打破,打碎( bust的过去式和过去分词 ); 突击搜查(或搜捕); (使)降级,降低军阶

busted 网络解释


1. 霸子:这张专辑收录3首由霸子(Busted)和小飞侠一起写的歌曲. 歌迷特别版限量发行,收录全部18首单曲,2首新歌以及5 Colours的美国版和Memory Lane现场版,同时还赠送精美海报.

2. 破产了:02 Riding Thumb 搭车 | 03 Busted 破产了 | 04 Georgia On My Mind 心系乔治亚

3. 糟:Come on! 别这样! | Busted! 糟! | mystical 神奇的

4. 被逮到了:All right.|好吧 | Busted!|被逮到了 | Come on! What are you doing? I thought we were the Patch Sisters.|你们这是在干嘛? 我们不是戒烟姐妹花吗?

busted 单语例句

1. Last year, a gang who made fake Moutai to export to South Korea was busted.

2. Two replica guns and many other criminal tools were seized when police officers in 60 small groups busted four secret locations used by the gang.

3. Robotic submarines working deep in the ocean removed a busted piece of pipe last weekend, at which point oil flowed unimpeded into the water.

4. busted的近义词

4. The authorities in neighboring Zhejiang province busted a ring specializing in spreading porn content via more than 100 WAP sites and arrested 38 suspects.

5. busted的意思

5. A clandestine video porn shop was busted after a worried mother recently busted her young son watching a dirty movie.

6. busted的翻译

6. Beijing police on Monday busted the largest online prostitution racket and detained 151 people, including all the five major leaders of the gang.

7. busted在线翻译

7. Guangzhou police also successfully busted a weapon sales gang, detaining 11 suspects and seizing 15 pistols during the campaign.

8. danci.911cha.com

8. Beijing police said they have busted 10 gangs involving almost 90 people suspected of producing and selling fake Chinese liquor in a recent crackdown.

9. Unfortunately for a Shanghai store that sold pirated luxury handbags, the incident brought so much attention they were busted for selling fake goods.

10. Robotic submarines finished removing a busted piece of pipe that was bolted around the leak around 3 am Sunday.

busted 英英释义


1. out of working order (`busted' is an informal substitute for `broken')

    e.g. a broken washing machine
           the coke machine is broken
           the coke machine is busted

    Synonym: broken
