business sector

business sector [ˈbiznis ˈsektə]  [ˈbɪznɪs ˈsɛktɚ] 

business sector 基本解释

business sector是什么意思

[经] 企业(工商业)部门

business sector 网络解释

1. 企业部门:加拿大的机构部门生产账户与上述机构部门分类又有所不同,它对上述个人和非法人企业部门进行了分解,把其中的为住户服务的非营利机构单独作为一个机构部门,把其中住户部门所拥有的生产单位与法人企业和政府企业部门所拥有的生产单位合并在一起,称为企业部门(business sector).

2. 商业部门:business position 经营地位 | business sector 商业部门 | business services markets 商业服务市场

3. 商界:Business Registration Officer 商业登记主任 | business sector 商界 | business sentiment 营商意欲

4. 商界icD中国学习动力网:Business Registration Officer 商业登记主任icD中国学习动力网 | business sector 商界icD中国学习动力网 | business sentiment 营商意欲icD中国学习动力网

business sector 单语例句

1. business sector在线翻译

1. Tang forecast that the banking sector's net profits might grow more than 5 percent this year because of booming loan business.

2. business sector的反义词

2. Lau said the government may consider expanding the loan guarantees and inject more capital if the business sector welcomes it.

3. But finding the right talent for the new business was a problem for Sun, a newcomer to the machine tool sector.

4. The diffusion of these innovations into standard business operation may require more than a push from the financial sector.

5. business sector在线翻译

5. " The World Expo 2010 will provide the city's service sector with a huge business opportunity, " said the official.

6. Voith sees potential for its hydropower business, which comprises about a quarter of the installed capacity in the sector in China.

7. 911查询·英语单词

7. The business from the sector fell steeply in the last quarter of 2008, the company said.

8. business sector的近义词

8. The HSBC Business School aims to provide society with talents in the financial service sector.

9. Some foreign investors have already started preparing for the new business sector in China.

10. The award honors contributions in the business sector to sustainable water management, improved performance in production processes and innovative approaches in technologies.

business sector 英英释义

business sector是什么意思


1. business concerns collectively

    e.g. Government and business could not agree

    Synonym: business
