business firm

business firm [ˈbiznis fə:m]  [ˈbɪznɪs fɚm] 

business firm 基本解释

business firm


business firm 网络解释

1. 商号, 厂商:loan department 贷款部 | business firm 商号, 厂商 | investment department 投资部

2. 行:蟑螂cockroach | 行business, firm | 行all right, O.K.

3. 商号;商业企业:business finance => 企业财务 | business firm => 商号;商业企业 | business fluctuation => 商业波动,行情波动

4. 营业商号:a firm of creditors in partnership 合伙的债权人组成的商号 | business firm 营业商号 | defendant firm 被告商号

business firm 单语例句

1. business firm

1. The new firm will open for business by the end of the year.

2. The firm also said it expects its product divisions to developed at least one new sustainable and profitable business project by year's end.

3. After leaving the Pentagon in 2001, he founded a business consulting firm called The Cohen Group with three Pentagon officials.

4. Bain & Company is a global business consulting firm with offices in all major cities.

5. PetroChina will develop its own coalbed methane business after quitting the firm, the China Securities Journal this month cited industry sources as saying.

6. At Blackstone, the fund of hedge funds business is now the firm's largest by assets.

7. Yuen tells China Business Weekly that the firm is primarily focusing on affluent Chinese consumers.

8. When Li renewed the mine's license in 2000, he changed the business into a private firm of his own.

9. " WuXi will continue to grow and expand its business as a standalone research firm, " said WuXi spokesperson Liu Jing.

10. Liang said Haier wanted to retain the technical and operational expertise and business development capabilities of the New Zealand firm's employees.

business firm 英英释义


1. the members of a business organization that owns or operates one or more establishments

    e.g. he worked for a brokerage house

    Synonym: firm house
