
bus [bʌs]  [bʌs] 


第三人称单数:busses; buses








bus 基本解释


名词公共汽车,巴士,客机; (口)汽车,机器脚踏车,飞机; [计](电脑的)总线; [电]信息转移通路,悔流条,母线


不及物动词乘公共汽车; 打杂工

bus 相关例句


1. The city buses the children to school.


1. He bussed to the city.


1. I met him on the bus yesterday.

2. In some cities school buses are used only when children live more than a mile from the school.

bus 情景对话



B:You haven’t (taken/ ridden/ been on) the bus before?

A:No, I’m afraid not.


B:It’s (faster/ slower/ more expensive) than taking the bus or the subway.

A:Oh, o.k.


A:Can you tell me the best way to get to (downtown/ the theater/ the river)?

B:Take bus No. 4.

bus 网络解释


1. 公共汽车:比如在学习<<交通工具>>一课,教师可在美工区里摆放小汽车(car)自行车(bike)公共汽车(bus)...等幼儿熟知感兴趣的实物,让这种多姿多彩、直观现实的实际物体在幼儿大脑中留下深刻印象,激发幼儿口语交往的欲望.

2. 母线:立体声返回可以把效果返回到混音,母线(BUS)扩展或是作为click-track的输入或是前录音设备的音轨. 18个输出中的每一个都具有XLR平衡连接口和通过返回推子进行传递的信号输入,返回推子是与立体声主要输出部分和前AFL TRS插入式连接口连接的.

3. bus:b-ultrasound scanner; B超

4. bus:broadcast and unknown server; 广播与未知(地址转换)服务器

5. bus:bachelor of university study; 推广大学学士学位

bus 词典解释
The plural form of the noun is buses. The third person singular of the verb is busses. American English uses the spellings buses, busing, bused for the verb. buses为名词的复数,busses为动词的第三人称单数。在美国英语中,动词变体分别为buses,busing,bused。

1. 公共汽车;巴士;大客车
    A bus is a large motor vehicle which carries passengers from one place to another. Buses drive along particular routes, and you have to pay to travel in them.

    e.g. He missed his last bus home...
    e.g. They had to travel everywhere by bus.

2. 用大客车运送;乘坐公共汽车
    When someone is bussed to a particular place or when they bus there, they travel there on a bus.

    e.g. On May Day hundreds of thousands used to be bussed in to parade through East Berlin...
    e.g. To get our Colombian visas we bussed back to Medellin...

3. 用校车送
    In some parts of the United States, when children are bused to school, they are transported by bus to a school in a different area so that children of different races can be educated together.

    e.g. Many schools were in danger of closing because the children were bused out to other neighborhoods.

The courts ordered busing to desegregate the schools.
bus 单语例句

1. The sculpture is made of 900 pounds of butter and is of three children and a cow waiting to board a school bus.

2. bus

2. And he earned enough from using the truck to buy a passenger bus.

3. The bus was owned by Bazhong Transportation Company of neighboring Sichuan Province.

4. Many tourists use Kunming as the transit stop and then go to Lijiang by air, train or bus.

5. bus的解释

5. The man said he paid 5 yuan and travelled 25 km by bus to another town simply to buy his grandson a reference book.

6. 911chaxun查询·英语单词大全

6. Another migrant Gan Xiaobo told Xinhua that by bus the way of 100 kilometers just took an hour.

7. bus在线翻译

7. Had they taken the company bus to Guomao and then gone by subway to Dongzhimen, the journey would have taken about an hour.

8. A record 156 million passengers are expected to travel by train and 2 billion bus trips will be made.

9. The journey time between Dali and Lijiang will be shortened from four hours by bus to less than an hour and a half by train.

10. They bought their wares at wholesale markets around Beijing, traveling by bus.

bus 英英释义



1. bus

1. a vehicle carrying many passengers
    used for public transport

    e.g. he always rode the bus to work

    Synonym: autobus coach charabanc double-decker jitney motorbus motorcoach omnibus passenger vehicle

2. bus的反义词

2. a car that is old and unreliable

    e.g. the fenders had fallen off that old bus

    Synonym: jalopy heap

3. bus

3. an electrical conductor that makes a common connection between several circuits

    e.g. the busbar in this computer can transmit data either way between any two components of the system

    Synonym: busbar

4. the topology of a network whose components are connected by a busbar

    Synonym: bus topology


1. bus

1. remove used dishes from the table in restaurants

2. ride in a bus

3. send or move around by bus

    e.g. The children were bussed to school
