burst up

burst up [bə:st ʌp]  [bɚst ʌp] 

burst up 基本解释

burst up在线翻译


burst up 网络解释

burst up

1. 爆炸;失败;突然发怒:burst out laughing 突然笑起来 | burst up 爆炸;失败;突然发怒 | burst upon 突然来到

2. 失败:burst 爆裂 | burst-up 失败 | bursting point 无法自制的地步

3. 爆炸:burst through 推开 | burst up 爆炸 | burst upon 突然来到

4. 崩溃:burst test 爆裂试验 | burst up 崩溃 | burst wave 冲击波

burst up 单语例句

1. The soap bubble they have blown up burst all of a sudden, exposing all those hiding inside.

2. Closer ties with the mainland may help Taiwan speed up recovery from its first recession since the technology bubble burst in 2001.

3. burst up

3. Messi picked himself up from a tackle to gather possession and feed Xavi, who floated a pass right back to him as he burst into the area.

4. He said later he tends to bottle up his emotions and they burst forth at the British Open.

5. But when troops burst up the staircase, they came under fire again.

6. She said she burst into tears when Liu stepped up to the medal podium to receive her second consecutive Olympic gold.

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7. Three minutes later Villa set Silva up to burst through to the byline.

8. I woke up and the sun wasn't really shining but then it burst through the clouds and it was glorious.
