1. The runaway burrowed himself into a corner.
2. The fox burrowed several holes near the haystack.
1. The mole quickly burrowed out of sight.
2. I had to burrow in the library for the books I needed.
1. 洞穴:住在地上的洞穴(Burrow)里,每天日出之前出海,在海里猎食(也被猎食)一整天,等日落之后才上岸. 上岸时会结成一队一队,这样比较有安全感吧!我们的观景台就搭在海岸,稍微架高让企鹅可以从底下通过,抢滩的企鹅就这样咚隆咚隆地从旁边颠步而过,
2. 穴:掘穴(Burrow):该生物能够挖穿泥土,但除非描述文字中有特殊说明,否则它无法挖穿岩石. 生物在掘穴时无法奔跑. 大多数掘穴生物通过后不会留下其他生物可以使用的通道(或者是因为它们挖掘的东西会填满它们身后,
3. 地洞:- 死亡大厅(Halls of the Dead)和黑暗城堡(Black Citadel)的攻击间隔从2.0降低到1.5. - 地洞(Burrow)的护甲等级从2提高到5,攻击力从1d8+33降低到1d5+22. (试了才知道是好是坏)
4. 陋居:他们选了最近的一个金色的cauldron,它散发着哈利至今为止闻到过的最诱人的气味,这有点使他同时想起蜜糖馅饼的味道,飞天扫帚把手上的木头味道,还有可能是在陋居(Burrow)闻到过的某些花香味.
1. burrow在线翻译
1. (兔子等动物掘的)洞穴,地洞
A burrow is a tunnel or hole in the ground that is dug by an animal such as a rabbit.
2. 钻地道;挖洞
If an animal burrows into the ground or into a surface, it moves through it by making a tunnel or hole.
e.g. The larvae burrow into cracks in the floor.
3. 翻找;搜寻
If you burrow in a container or pile of things, you search there for something using your hands.
e.g. He burrowed into the pile of charts feverishly.
e.g. ...the enthusiasm with which he burrowed through old records in search of facts.
4. 依偎;紧靠
If you burrow into something, you move underneath it or press against it, usually in order to feel warmer or safer.
e.g. She turned her face away from him, burrowing into her heap of covers.
1. burrow的近义词
1. But Qunar and its peers do not just list internet travel websites, they also burrow into them for detailed information about prices and availability.
2. burrow
2. It's finally safe to follow the White Rabbit - a burrow's been dug.
3. Players use cartoon characters to play in a virtual world where moles burrow around in their community.
4. The grottoes burrow into the vast sandstone mountain wilderness 12 km outside of the county.
5. This prairie dog looked worried when she stepped out of the safety of her burrow.