
burke [bɜ:k]  [bɜ:k] 







burke 基本解释


burke 相关例句



1. The proposal got burked.

burke 网络解释

1. 伯克:澳 洲 探 险 史上 最 广为 人 知 的 故 事 当属 伯 克 (Burke)和 威尔 斯 Wills), 他 们 1860 年 率 领 一 支 装 备 最 充足 的 探 险 队从 墨尔 本出 发,试 图 第 一 个 纵 贯 澳 洲 大 陆.

2. 柏克:在这个时期,欧美出现了众多杰出的影响深远的思想家,如法国的孟德斯鸠(Montesquieu)、卢梭(Rousseau),德国的康德(Kant),英格兰的洛克(Locke)、柏克(Burke),苏格兰的休谟(DavidHume)、斯密以及美国的富兰克林(BenjaminFranklin),

3. 巴尔克 法国 住在城堡要塞的人:Burgess 伯骑士 英国 自由的人. | Burke 巴尔克 法国 住在城堡要塞的人. | Burnell 布尼尔 法国 身材矮小者.

burke 单语例句

1. danci.911chaxun.com

1. " This case also involves potential death penalty charges, " Burke said.

2. burke的翻译

2. Pat Burke added 10 points for the Suns, all in the second half.

3. Burke of the University of Michigan in Ann Arbor write in the Journal of Pediatrics.

4. Timothy Burke of Engine 202 said a firefighter from another company had a cell phone, and he and others used it to call their families.

5. burke的翻译

5. The Cubs'ace had a shutout going until Willy Taveras singled and scored on Chris Burke's sacrifice fly in the eighth.

6. " We believe it operates at around break even, " Burke said.

7. Burke's online acquaintances demanded justice in messages they posted on her Web page on Orkut, an online social networking community hugely popular in Brazil.

8. burke什么意思

8. The show included a rousing opening musical number by all 53 contestants, and it was hosted by TV personalities Brooke Burke and Chris Harrison.

9. Because Burke mainly spews cliches about finding the strength to move on, it's hard to understand how he has developed such a passionate following.

10. Burke said he understood his decision would have an impact, but claimed it would only affect 1 percent of the commercial fishing industry nationally.

burke 英英释义



1. 911chaxun查询·英语单词

1. get rid of, silence, or suppress

    e.g. burke an issue

2. burke的反义词

2. murder without leaving a trace on the body
