
burglar [ˈbɜ:glə(r)]  [ˈbɜ:rglə(r)] 


burglar 基本解释

名词窃贼; 夜盗; 破门盗窃者

burglar 相关例句


1. Burglars broke into his house last night.

burglar 网络解释


1. 窃贼:统计数据显示去年窃贼(burglar)光顾了两百多万户人家. 人们实际上几乎无法将蓄意行窃的盗贼拒之门外,所能做的只是设法阻拦他片刻,从而使其暴露在巡警(police patrol)或附近溜达的人们面前. 常识告诉我们,光照是犯罪行为的障碍物.

2. 夜贼:TIGER HILL ENTERTAINMENT的官方网站上现在公布了3款游戏新作--<<罪人>>(Sinner)、<<夜贼>>(Burglar)和<<束缚>>(Stranglehold). 光看这些情节介绍,三款游戏都充满着浓烈的吴宇森(JOHN WOO)风格呢,

3. 夜盗:ps:不过有些NPC,比如夜盗(Burglar)说他们不会花你一文钱,实际上是骗你的:雇佣要2000,拿20%. 这个是故意设定的,所有版本都有,不是bug. mm6中骑师(Horseman)嘴上说能使驿站旅程减少两天路程(最短为一天路程)实际上光拿你钱不干事.

4. 賊:上世纪80年代后期参加了几部公式化喜剧片的拍摄,如<<夜贼>>(Burglar)、<<东西战争>>(Jumpin'JackFlash)等. 1990年,乌比.戈德堡参拍后来票房收入惊人的<<人鬼情未了>>(Ghost)一片,捧得一座奥斯卡最佳女配角奖杯,成为家喻户晓的好莱坞明星.

burglar 词典解释

1. burglar

1. 破门盗窃者;窃贼
    A burglar is a thief who enters a house or other building by force.

    e.g. Burglars broke into their home.

burglar 单语例句

1. \u0039\u0031\u0031\u67E5\u8BE2\u00B7\u82F1\u8BED\u5355\u8BCD

1. The other burglar hid from police in an apartment by crawling through a window.

2. danci.911chaxun.com

2. The burglar managed to escape but fell down a pit at a construction site near the house.

3. The burglar fell when he missed his footing on the balcony trying to get away with a computer.

4. A homeowner helped police nab her burglar by pretending to have entered the wrong apartment in Gucheng of Hubei province on Sunday night.

5. Patrolling police detained a man in Chongqing as a burglar one night last week.

6. burglar的解释

6. Neighbors managed to scare away a burglar who tried to steal from a woman who lived in her shop.

7. He then used a knife to fight the burglar, who was killed in the tussle.

8. Wang was awakened in the wee hours of Tuesday by the burglar walking in his living room.

9. Right after the burglar snuck into the house, the resident fended him off with a kitchen knife.

10. 911查询·英语单词

10. She told Baoding City police, who helped her text the burglar and arrange a meeting.

burglar 英英释义


1. danci.911chaxun.com

1. a thief who enters a building with intent to steal
