
bullet [ˈbʊlɪt]  [ˈbʊlɪt] 


bullet 基本解释


名词弹丸; 子弹,弹药; [印]着重号

bullet 网络解释

1. 弹头:的无壳子弹或是美国先进轻武器研究计画所实验的集束镖(fletchet).毕竟都还没到实用的阶段.因此.虽然现代子弹的结沟已有百年以上的历史.恐怕还会被沿用好一阵子.一颗子弹(cartridge)由四个部份组成: 弹头(bullet).弹壳(case)

2. 黑街杀手:包括:1994年在加拿大导演威廉-迪尔(William Dear)执导的喜剧荒诞片<<棒球天使>>('Angels in the Outfield')中饰演丹尼(Danny),1996年在英国导演朱利恩-坦普尔(Julien Temple)执导的犯罪片<<黑街杀手>>('Bullet')中饰演米基-鲁尔克(Mickey Rourke)患有毒瘾的兄弟鲁比(Ruby),

3. (子弹形):它们中的有一些可能是具有圆角的矩形、具有斜面的矩形、方形的热焊盘、椭圆形、子弹形(bullet) (或 d- 形). directcad 技术我们定义我们的接口界面具有智能的cad数据库,即 directcad. 通过使用这个功能,你将能够提供你的制造工具具有真实的设计数据,

bullet 词典解释

1. 子弹
    A bullet is a small piece of metal with a pointed or rounded end, which is fired out of a gun.

2. 硬着头皮做;咬紧牙关应付
    If someone bites the bullet, they accept that they have to do something unpleasant but necessary.

    e.g. Tour operators may be forced to bite the bullet and cut prices.

bullet 单语例句

1. bullet

1. Xiang was found in the rear carriage of a bullet train that was hit after it had stalled on tracks in Wenzhou.

2. Police sources say a bullet casing is also found in the woods.

3. bullet的反义词

3. Casual observation of a passing bullet train in the area reveals that it's not yet back to business as usual.

4. It is not uncommon for smokers to cause trouble on bullet trains.

5. The bullet had pierced through the diaphragm, liver and hit the right chest cavity.

6. Tinsley's Rolls Royce was peppered with bullets in the shooting, and five bullet holes also were found in the Charger.

7. bullet的近义词

7. Chiao found the bullet had penetrated Leung's spinal column and two ribs, not the collarbone.

8. Four years after surviving a bullet in the head, the Bride awakes from a coma and sets out on a revenge mission.

9. bullet

9. Police who went to investigate, said the UN compound was littered with broken glass and bullet casings.

10. A teenager sat slumped in a corner cradling her arm, which was wounded by a bullet.

bullet 英英释义


1. (baseball) a pitch thrown with maximum velocity

    e.g. he swung late on the fastball
           he showed batters nothing but smoke

    Synonym: fastball heater smoke hummer

2. bullet什么意思

2. a projectile that is fired from a gun

    Synonym: slug

3. a high-speed passenger train

    Synonym: bullet train
