
built [bɪlt]  [bɪlt] 






built 基本解释



形容词…建成的; 身段优美的; 有特定体格的

built 网络解释


1. 建立:来安装结果,否则就要试着安装先定 (profiled) 的在 make buildworld 阶段没有建立 (built) 的二进制文件. 在提示符里简单地输入 mergemaster 就可以开始,并观看它的开始过程. mergemaster 会建立一个临时的根(root)环境,在 / 下,

2. 建造:将古典交响曲推向另一个新的境界. 这其中,有前辈大师们严谨的音乐语言,但是加入了浪漫风貌后,使得乐曲更加主管内省,艺术性更臻完美,也更虏获人心. 灵公这才明白荀息的用意,也知道自己错了,便下令停止建造(built)高台.

3. 构建:UCM提供了五种预定义的基线级别,它们包括被拒绝(rejected),初始(initial),通过构建(built),通过测试(tested)和已发布(released). 另外,UCM允许开发团队用他们自己的命名规范和提升策略对这些预定义基线级别进行定制.

built 词典解释


2. built的意思

2. 体形…的
    If you say that someone is built in a particular way, you are describing the kind of body they have.

    e.g. All the Trollope boys were heavily built and quite tall.
    e.g. ...a strong, powerfully-built man of 60...

built 单语例句

1. built

1. Jerry Buss built a glittering life at the intersection of sports and Hollywood.

2. built的解释

2. It was originally built near a wharf and became a prosperous commercial center because of its location and the busy shipping business.

3. It was built mostly by hand with the techniques used to make its forerunner, but sports modern engines and navigation equipment.

4. built的解释

4. Parts of the forest are made accessible by foot with tracks, steps and little bridges built along the paths.

5. For Japan a stable external environment built by means of good neighborhood diplomacy and peace should be a less costly and more efficient way.

6. Jingshan Temple was built by order of Wei, an imperial concubine of Taizong.

7. built的解释

7. But such a city is built by adhering to the rule by law.

8. built

8. Ships built by Japan accounted for more than half of the world's total gross tonnage.

9. built的反义词

9. Palestinians oppose all settlements built on territories they claim for a future state, and renewed building could endanger negotiations launched early this month by the Obama administration.

10. The line is being built now by the side of the park.

built 英英释义


1. (used of soaps or cleaning agents) having a substance (an abrasive or filler) added to increase effectiveness

    e.g. the built liquid detergents

    Synonym: reinforced
