budget deficit

budget deficit [ˈbʌdʒit ˈdefisit]  [ˈbʌdʒɪt ˈdɛfɪsɪt] 

budget deficit 基本解释


budget deficit 网络解释

1. 财政预算赤字:财政预算赤字(Budget Deficit )主要描述政府预算的执行情况,说明政府的总收入与总支出状况. 若入不敷出即为预算赤字;若收大于支即为预算盈余;收支相等即为预算平衡. 外汇交易员可以通过这一数据了解政府的实际预算执行状况,

2. 预算赤字:k) 贸易赤字(Trade Deficit)l) 预算赤字(Budget Deficit)m) 采购经理人指数(PMI)定义 采购经理人指数(Purchase Management Index)是衡量美国制造业的体检表,衡量制造业在生产、新订单、商品价格、存货、雇员、订单交货、新出口订单和进口等八个范围的状况.

3. 预算逆差:budget deficit 预算赤字 | budget deficit 预算逆差 | budget depletion 预算消耗

budget deficit 单语例句

1. Britain's coalition government ordered the cuts as part of its measures to reduce the national budget deficit.

2. Obama expects to inherit a budget deficit approaching $ 1 trillion and says his administration will have to make tough budget choices.

3. 911查询·英语单词

3. The administration had already projected a record federal budget deficit next year of $ 475 billion.

4. European Union budget deficit limits restrict governments'ability to boost consumer spending with tax cuts and increased investment.

5. It relies on Asia's willingness to cover the budget deficit and shopping bills.

6. For the current year, he is estimating the budget deficit will reach a record $ 427 billion.

7. US borrowing from China depends on its trade deficit, not its budget deficit.

8. Republicans used the deficit figures to argue that budget savings must be found this year, including from popular benefit programs.

9. He points to the contrast between strong US economic growth and the huge US budget deficit and foreign debt.

10. Portugal's budget deficit is considerably lower than that of Ireland and it has none of the banking problems of Dublin.

budget deficit 英英释义

budget deficit的翻译


1. budget deficit的翻译

1. an excess of expenditures over revenues
