buckle down

buckle down[ˈbʌkl daun] 

buckle down 基本解释
buckle down 网络解释

buckle down什么意思

1. 倾全力,开始认真从事:<21>buckle down 倾全力,开始认真从事 | build into 使固定于,开始认真从事 | They built loose stones into a strong wall.他们用石块建成坚固的墙.

2. 集中精神于(某事(全体)认真干,全力以赴:76. brush up刷干净,刷亮,温习 | 77. buckle down集中精神于(某事(全体)认真干,全力以赴 | 78. buck up(使)精神振奋;赶快

buckle down 单语例句

1. The dire circumstances have made the country's judicial bodies and police force buckle down to plug the gap between penalties and crimes.

buckle down 英英释义


1. work very hard, like a slave

    Synonym: slave break one's back knuckle down
