bubonic plague

bubonic plague [bju:ˌbɒnɪk ˈpleɪg]  [bju:ˌbɑ:nɪk ˈpleɪg] 

bubonic plague 基本解释

bubonic plague


bubonic plague 网络解释

1. 淋巴腺鼠疫:例如:1347-1351年间,淋巴腺鼠疫(Bubonic Plague)曾杀死了七千五百万人;1971年,旋风在东巴基斯坦曾夺去了至少二十万人的生命,并使一百万人无家可归;1908年意大利南部大地震,活埋了八万五千人;1846年爱尔兰全国的马铃薯(薯仔)由于染上枯萎病而失收,

2. 黑死病:当时,黑死病(Bubonic Plague)肆虐欧洲,40%的意大利人成为牺牲品. 在英国,35,000多伦敦人为此丧命,在德国,15,000慕尼黑居民终是没有逃过黑死病的咒诅. 1633年,当Oberammergau感染黑死病的死亡人数从1632年10月的一人,飙升到1633年3月的20人时,

3. 鼠疫:鼠疫有两种-所谓淋巴腺型的鼠疫(bubonic plague)和肺炎型的鼠疫(pneumonic plague). 三、中古世纪后期的战争纷扰,和民族王朝(national monarchy)巩固世俗政权6. 英法百年战争对巩固法国民族王朝(national monarchy)的意涵. 2. 信徒寻求其他管道来满足心灵的饥渴-神秘主义(Mysticism)与「异端」

bubonic plague 词典解释

1. 腺鼠疫;腹股沟淋巴结鼠疫
    Bubonic plague is a serious infectious disease spread by rats. It killed many people during the Middle Ages.

bubonic plague 单语例句

1. We think of contagions such as the bubonic Black Death plague that spread rapidly throughout medieval Europe.

2. 911查询·英语单词

2. The single case of bubonic plague occurred in northwest China's Gansu Province in September, the first plague case reported so far this year.

bubonic plague 英英释义

bubonic plague的翻译


1. the most common form of the plague in humans
    characterized by chills, prostration, delirium and the formation of buboes in the armpits and groin
    does not spread from person to person

    Synonym: pestis bubonica glandular plague
