
bu ['bu:]  ['bu:] 

bu 基本解释


bu 网络解释


1. 蓝色:提供银色(SV),蓝色(BU),黑色(BK)的3种颜色选择. 和iPod的Dock接合器连接专用的音频端口,和耳机之间采用蓝牙(Bluetooth)无线连接. 除了能够听音乐之外,耳机上的操作按钮同样能够操作iPod.

2. 不:邹忌:不,(bu)不,(bu)不,(mao)毛病也许出在我身上. 再说,(rang)让夫人免去十月怀胎之苦,(zhe)这也不是一件坏事. 咱们这样独享三人世界,(bu)不是也很好吗?邹忌:唉.城中的人想杀出去,(cheng)城外的人想杀进来. 徐公:邹大夫,

3. 布:挤 扁了---踩到 饽饽---馒头 不赖待---很不错 半傻不愣---白痴 不得(dei)劲---不舒服 棒子---玉米 背---不走运 布(bu)儿---发霉该帐--欠帐 干粮-能吃之物包括(馒头,

4. bu:b-us; B超

5. bu:binging update; 绑定更新

6. bu:basic units; 基本单位

bu 单语例句

1. bu的翻译

1. The five men attacked Sun while he was walking with Bu along Wusu street in Kuytun.

2. Bu sometimes, he just returns the fakes without asking for a return of the amount paid.

3. The Chinese delegation is headed by Bu Ping, director of the Institute of Modern History at the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences.

4. " It's difficult for us to confirm a client's age, " Bu said.

5. Another traditional way of crossing the area's rivers is ding bu - that is, placing stepping stones in the river for people to walk over.

6. The saying " gou bu xian jia pin " means a dog never shuns its poor home, epitomizing the good nature of dogs.

7. Bu said an exhibition industry association will be founded later this month, and about 150 enterprises will be among the group's first members.

8. Bu believes parents and schools should guide children on Internet use to ward off the danger of addiction before it strikes.

9. bu

9. Lloyd has a day job while Barnes runs Hao Bu Hao full time, relying on commissions from corporate clients to make ends meet.

10. Bu it is important to listen to the government broadcasts and hope for the best, instead of lending our ears to rumors.
