brown race

brown race [braun reis]  [braʊn res] 

brown race 基本解释
brown race 网络解释


1. 棕色皮肤人种:brown paper 牛皮纸 | brown race 棕色皮肤人种 | brown rice 糙米

2. 棕色人种:brown purple ==> 褐紫色 | brown race ==> 棕色人种 | brown rice ==> 糙米,极粗糙米=>玄米

brown race 单语例句

1. Brown diplomatically declined to state a personal preference in the race to succeed Bush.

2. The election of Republican Scott Brown on Monday in a special Senate race after the death of Democrat Edward Kennedy dims prospects for US action.

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3. A new poll shows Brown's Labour Party well ahead in a possible race with conservative rivals.


4. Speculation had been rife that Miliband might challenge Brown in the leadership race, before he publicly ruled out plans to vie for the top job in April.
