
brothel [ˈbrɒθl]  [ˈbrɑ:θl] 



brothel 基本解释



brothel 网络解释


1. 妓院:艺妓(Geisha)、妓院(Brothel)和女丨优(AV Actress)就是日本性实物的最具代表性的文化产物;日本艺妓于17世纪的东京和大阪产生,最初的艺妓都是男性,他们在妓院和娱乐场所演奏传统鼓乐、说唱逗乐,1750年左右,出现了第一个女艺妓,

2. 妓院 (名):broth 肉汤 (名) | brothel 妓院 (名) | brotherhood 手足情谊; 兄弟关系 (名)

3. 发廊:132. 嫖娼:solicit prostitute | 133. 发廊:brothel | 134. 人口贩卖:human trafficking.

4. 是妓院 love affair:网恋 | brothel:是妓院 | 27.lover:情人

brothel 词典解释

1. 妓院
    A brothel is a building where men can go to pay to have sex with prostitutes.

brothel 单语例句

1. Even a temple at Tengchong County in Yunnan Province was turned into a Japanese army brothel.

2. They raised the stakes further by kidnapping a Pakistani woman they accused of running a brothel and holding her for three days.

3. A brothel in Germany hopes to capitalize on the growing number of retirees by offering them a 50 percent discount for sex in the afternoon.

4. WARSAW - A Polish man got the shock of his life when he visited a brothel and spotted his wife among the establishment's employees.

5. I nervously eyed the doors to other rooms, wondering what kind of brothel scenes lurked behind.

6. brothel是什么意思

6. He made a stab at running for mayor of London, promising to set up a legalized brothel outside parliament.

7. She falls in love with a young scholar Wang Jinlong, who frequents her brothel but soon runs out of money.

8. brothel

8. Whether these are strong enough to attract adult viewers curious to see Mirren as a brothel queen is unlikely.

9. brothel的意思

9. Song spoke of beatings and starvation at a brothel in China called " International Hall " in evidence to the Tokyo High Court in 2000.

10. brothel的反义词

10. Police officers were said to have been to the place several times but the brothel was still in operation.

brothel 英英释义



1. brothel的近义词

1. a building where prostitutes are available

    Synonym: whorehouse bordello bagnio house of prostitution house of ill repute bawdyhouse cathouse sporting house
