
broadside [ˈbrɔ:dsaɪd]  [ˈbrɔdˌsaɪd] 




broadside 基本解释


名词<船>(吃水线以上的)舷侧; (书面或口头的)猛烈抨击; 全部舷侧炮; 宽阔面

副词侧对着; 侧向地; 漫无目标地; 胡乱地


broadside 相关例句


1. The train rammed the car broadside.


1. The reviewer leveled a broadside at the novel.

2. The parlement member delivered a broadside against the government's recent policies.

broadside 网络解释

1. 排炮:沙漠风暴( Sandstorm ) 三重变型战士排炮( Broadside ) 三重变型战士大无畏/超级战士( Superion ) 合体型巨型战士银剑( silverbolt )五位飞行战士之一弹弓( Slingshot ) 五位飞行战士之一俯冲( Skydive ) 五位飞行战士之一飞火( Fi

2. 舷侧:主船体是指上甲板(upperdeck)及以下由船底(bottom)、舷侧(broadside)、甲板(deck)、首尾(foreandaft)与舱壁(bulkhead)等结构所组成的水密(watertight)空心结构,为船舶的主体部分.

3. 齐射:双桅帆船停了下来,不倦号顶风停住靠到它的身边,不倦号已经做好弦炮齐射(broadside)的准备了. 在武力威胁下,双桅帆船不得不降下了它的旗帜. 霍恩布洛尔正站在后甲板右舷的大口径短炮(carronade)处--这也许是他落入皮洛法眼的一个原因--他的匕首系在一侧,

4. 单页印刷品;参见:Broadsheet 单面大张印刷品;见Broadside | Broadside 单页印刷品;参见Sheet | Caption title 文首题名;参见Running title

broadside 词典解释

1. (书面或口头的)猛烈抨击
    A broadside is a strong written or spoken attack on a person or institution.

    e.g. The Social Democratic leader launched a broadside against both monetary and political union.

2. (船只)以舷侧对着
    If a ship is broadside to something, it has its longest side facing in the direction of that thing.

    e.g. The ship was moored broadside to the pier.

broadside 单语例句

1. His broadside against Bush came as Bush argued anew against any rollback in the tax cuts that Congress has passed at his behest.

2. The Atlantic headline melded my opinion with a supposed broadside by the Chinese government against a small American town.

3. broadside

3. Some officials suggest the attacks may have been designed as a political broadside.

4. But some operators and analysts believe the sector has yet to recover from the broadside hit it took from last year's financial tsunami.

5. He could produce as many as four broadside posters and some smaller ones each month.

broadside 英英释义



1. the simultaneous firing of all the armament on one side of a warship

2. the whole side of a vessel from stem to stern

    e.g. the ship was broadside to the dock

3. all of the armament that is fired from one side of a warship

4. broadside什么意思

4. a speech of violent denunciation

    Synonym: tirade philippic

5. an advertisement (usually printed on a page or in a leaflet) intended for wide distribution

    e.g. he mailed the circular to all subscribers

    Synonym: circular handbill bill broadsheet flier flyer throwaway


1. collide with the broad side of

    e.g. her car broad-sided mine


1. broadside的意思

1. toward a full side

    e.g. a broadside attack


1. broadside什么意思

1. with a side facing an object

    e.g. the train hit the truck broadside
           the wave caught the canoe broadside and capsized it
