
broaden [ˈbrɔ:dn]  [ˈbrɔdn:] 





broaden 基本解释

及物/不及物动词扩大; 放宽; 加宽; 使。。变宽,扩展

broaden 相关例句



1. This narrow highway should be broadened.

2. Traveling broadens the mind.

3. His face broadened out into a grin.


1. We broaden in experiences by traveling.

2. One's views broaden at college.

broaden 网络解释

1. 放宽:broadcloth 细毛织品 | broaden 放宽 | broadish 稍宽阔的

2. 变宽:Exceeded 超过 | Broaden 变宽 | Encompass 包含

3. 加宽:strengthen加强 | broaden加宽 | weaken削弱

4. 扩大:broadcast 广播 | broaden 扩大 | build=建造

broaden 词典解释

1. broaden的翻译

1. 变宽
    When something broadens, it becomes wider.

    e.g. The trails broadened into roads...
    e.g. The smile broadened to a grin.

2. 扩大…的范围;增长,增加(经验、受欢迎程度)
    When you broaden something such as your experience or popularity or when it broadens, the number of things or people that it includes becomes greater.

    e.g. We must broaden our appeal...
    e.g. I thought you wanted to broaden your horizons...

3. 开阔(心胸)
    If an experience broadens your mind, it makes you more willing to accept other people's beliefs and customs.

    e.g. They say that travel broadens the mind.

相关词组:broaden out

broaden 单语例句

1. It has also tried to strengthen partnerships with big corporate clients to broaden its business scope.

2. Social protection programs then make good economic sense - acting to broaden and deepen opportunities for all and thus building more resilient and inclusive economies.

3. We may be forced to memorize a multitude of things by rote, but by doing so we broaden and enrich our knowledge.

4. Liberalizing the financial sector and capital markets would broaden companies'access to finance while lowering the cost.

5. New policies should be formulated to support the development of the capital market and therefore broaden channels for direct financing for businesses.

6. The municipal government will also broaden the investment fields for private capital funds.


7. Beijing adopted the QDII program last year to broaden investment alternatives for local investors and encourage capital outflow.

8. Major carbon markets in the world are looking to broaden their reach.

9. " I think it would be good if this becomes a chance to broaden the debate, " he added.

10. Experts said the move may clear the way for the government to broaden the scope of antitrust laws.

broaden 英英释义


1. become broader

    e.g. The road broadened

2. make broader

    e.g. broaden the road

3. vary in order to spread risk or to expand

    e.g. The company diversified

    Synonym: diversify branch out

4. extend in scope or range or area

    e.g. The law was extended to all citizens
           widen the range of applications
           broaden your horizon
           Extend your backyard

    Synonym: widen extend
