
brings [brɪŋz]  [brɪŋz] 







brings 基本解释
带来( bring的第三人称单数 );促使;提供;使朝移动;
brings 网络解释


1. (动)(bring的单数第三人称形式)带来:83brighta. 明亮的,阳光的; ad. 亮 | 84brings(动)(bring的单数第三人称形式)带来 | 86brothern. 兄弟

2. (什么风把你吹到北京来的:223.?What's?Hong?Kong?famous?for?(香港以什么闻名?) | 224.?What?brings?you?to?Beijing?(什么风把你吹到北京来的?) | 225.?She?looks?blue.(她满面忧伤. )

3. 带来(第三人称单数):winter 冬天,冬季 | brings 带来(第三人称单数) | snow 雪 vi.下雪

brings 单语例句

1. 911查询·英语单词

1. If an act brings no serious damage to the society, the actor should not be subject to criminal punishment.

2. The cold brings the energetic hustle and bustle of summer living to a halt.

3. brings

3. To a history lover like me, seeing the old cultural heritage centers bustling with life brings both sadness and joy.

4. Which brings us to Jaycee Chan and his attempt to gain some column inches by coming up with controversial statements.

5. Promotion of peace is a valuable byproduct that free trade brings to the world.

6. Rather than try to negotiate the school cafeteria line, he brings his lunch to school.

7. Managers tend to calculate the overall value each worker brings, regardless of how much or how little vacation they take.

8. Now we have to calm down and see what the stage brings.

9. " Geographic and cultural proximity " brings together China and Cambodia, Song said.

10. brings在线翻译

10. Chicken brings excessive fire to the liver and can make some people capricious.
