bring forth

bring forth [briŋ fɔ:θ]  [brɪŋ fɔrθ] 

bring forth 基本解释


bring forth 网络解释

1. 产生,提出:bring down 打倒,挫伤;降低 | bring forth 产生,提出 | bring forward 提出

2. 使产生;生(孩子):bring down 降低(温度等使倒下 | bring forth 使产生;生(孩子) | bring forward 使涌现出

3. 产生,提上:bring down打倒,挫伤;降低 | bring forth产生,提上 | bring forward提出

4. 引起,使产生;生(孩子):bring about导致;引起 | bring forth引起,使产生;生(孩子) | call forth唤起;引起

bring forth 单语例句

1. All these techniques bring forth a rich expression of the straw artworks, making it a unique art form with artistic features that is both simplistic yet elegant.

2. bring forth

2. Uphold Deng Xiaoping Theory as our guide and constantly bring forth theoretical innovation.

3. The success has certainly silenced those who alleged that a polluted Beijing is not fit for athletes to bring forth their best.

4. The base of the pyramid represents economic responsibility, which is the normal operational activities enterprises bring forth to generate profits.

5. The bright color and profound compositions bring forth the spiritual experience and inner feelings of the artist.

6. bring forth的意思

6. Zhao Shi Dong's oil paintings bring forth the old streets and buildings with soft colours and a harmonious atmosphere.

7. A rising China will bring forth opportunities for some countries and challenges for others.

8. It is never likely to bring forth a cascade of praise or gifts.

9. Instead of looking back to the ancients, it would be better to bring forth new ideas.

bring forth 英英释义

bring forth什么意思


1. make children

    e.g. Abraham begot Isaac
           Men often father children but don't recognize them

    Synonym: beget get engender father mother sire generate

2. bring into existence

    e.g. The new manager generated a lot of problems
           The computer bug generated chaos in the office
           The computer generated this image
           The earthquake generated a tsunami

    Synonym: generate

3. 911chaxun查询·英语单词

3. bring forth or yield

    e.g. The tree would not produce fruit

    Synonym: produce

4. bring out for display

    e.g. The proud father produced many pictures of his baby
           The accused brought forth a letter in court that he claims exonerates him

    Synonym: produce
