bring down

bring down [briŋ daun]  [brɪŋ daʊn] 

bring down 基本解释

bring down

降(价); 把(某物,某人)抬下(楼、山); 使(某物或某人)掉下[倒下]; 击败…

bring down 网络解释

1. 打倒,挫伤;降低:bring about 带来,造成 | bring down 打倒,挫伤;降低 | bring forth 产生,提出

2. 降低:bring back归还 | bring down降低 | bring forth提出

3. 打倒:bring down the persimmon 得奖 | bring down 打倒 | bring fame to 带来名声

4. 使落下,打倒;降低,减少:bring about 导致,引起 | bring down 使落下,打倒;降低,减少 | bring forth 产生,提出

bring down 词典解释

1. 使(政府或当权者)垮台
    When people or events bring down a government or ruler, they cause the government or ruler to lose power.

    e.g. They were threatening to bring down the government by withdrawing from the ruling coalition...
    e.g. His challenge to Mrs Thatcher brought her down.

2. 射落;击落;击倒
    If someone or something brings down a person or aeroplane, they cause them to fall, usually by shooting them.

    e.g. Military historians may never know what brought down the jet.

bring down 单语例句


1. A tightened monetary policy would bring down the price of capital assets, leaving room of speculation for these international investors rather than our own residents.

2. bring down是什么意思

2. The three should also bring down protective barriers limiting the flow of goods, people and capital.

3. bring down在线翻译

3. The move is believed to have increased Youku's inventory of licensed content, as well as its bargaining power to bring down copyright prices and raise ad rates.

4. Their real weapon is speed - they chase after prey and bring them down, but they have to be hungry.

5. Eating chocolate could bring down cholesterol levels in some people, a new analysis of eight studies shows.

6. bring down的近义词

6. Other studies have found the consumption of walnuts has the capacity to bring down overall cholesterol levels.

7. Even domestic automakers that are adept in controlling costs cannot bring the price down, according to Yin.

8. This move clearly demonstrates the determination of the Chinese leadership to bring down the environmental and resource cost of the country's economic growth.

9. The idea is to bring down the Afghan civilian death rate, which is stoking public anger and draws denunciations from President Hamid Karzai after each incident.

10. The Senate last week voted down a similar attempt by the Democratic leadership intended to bring troops home by the end of March next year.

bring down 英英释义



1. cut down on
    make a reduction in

    e.g. reduce your daily fat intake
           The employer wants to cut back health benefits

    Synonym: reduce cut down cut back trim trim down trim back cut

2. impose something unpleasant

    e.g. The principal visited his rage on the students

    Synonym: inflict visit impose

3. cause to be enthusiastic

    e.g. Her playing brought down the house

4. bring down的解释

4. move something or somebody to a lower position

    e.g. take down the vase from the shelf

    Synonym: lower take down let down get down

5. cause to come to the ground

    e.g. the pilot managed to land the airplane safely

    Synonym: land put down

6. cause the downfall of
    of rulers

    e.g. The Czar was overthrown
           subvert the ruling class

    Synonym: overthrow subvert overturn
