bright blue

bright blue

bright blue 单语例句

1. He emerged with one finger of his right hand stained with bright blue ink, used to prevent voters casting multiple ballots.

2. The bright pine boards look great with blue iron shelves against claret wallpaper.

3. Some of the tanks are filled with a bright blue liquid, while others contain a dark brown solution.

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4. Her collection includes architectural necklaces with layers of geometric bright blue stones and metal designed to look like spires and ziggurats.

5. bright blue的翻译

5. The dominant color is sky blue, delivering a bright and clean message.

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6. The sunlight turns the water into bright turquoise blue around the reef.

7. The bordering sea is clear and deep blue and the sunshine is generally bright.

8. Bright purple, blue and golden rings enchased with crystals will leave you looking sparkling.

9. Against the bright background of orange and blue, the vase and flowers stand out in a dark cobalt color.

10. A bright blue silk dress has been specially made for her big days out.
