bridge tower

bridge tower [bridʒ ˈtauə]  [brɪdʒ ˈtaʊɚ] 

bridge tower 基本解释
bridge tower 网络解释

1. 桥塔:沿着圣米库拉什教堂边店铺林立的小巷步行不远,高大的桥塔(Bridge Tower)耸立在面前,它提醒着我们,前面,就是布拉格最著名的景点,跨越伏尔塔瓦河的查理大桥.

2. 索塔(桥塔):隧道建筑限界 clearance of tunnel | 索塔(桥塔) bridge tower | 特种工程结构 special engineering structure

3. 桥塔,桥头堡:bridge thrust ==> 拱桥推力 | bridge tower ==> 桥塔,桥头堡 | bridge transformer ==> 桥式差接变压器,等差作用线圈,混合变压器

4. 塔桥:泰特现代美术馆 Tate Modern | 塔桥 bridge tower | 罗马巴斯博物馆 The Roman Bath Museum

bridge tower 单语例句


1. The incident on Tower Bridge Road smashed glass in the front windows of the route 188 bus and damaged part of one side.

2. bridge tower的反义词

2. The desire to bridge research and industry became the motivation for him to walk out of the ivory tower at NEU three years later.

3. The old Jiujiang Bridge was made out of steel held by a single cable tower.

4. \u0039\u0031\u0031\u67E5\u8BE2\u00B7\u82F1\u8BED\u5355\u8BCD

4. We're actually standing on the high level walkways of Tower Bridge.

5. It passed through London where the Tower Bridge was opened for it.
