
brickyard [b'rɪkjɑ:d]  [b'rɪkjɑ:d] 

brickyard 基本解释


brickyard 网络解释

1. 砖厂:等级提升,产量增加铁矿(Iron mine) 生产生铁,等级提升,产量增加农田(Cropland) 生产粮食,等级提升,产量增加锯木厂(Sawmill) 加工木材,提高木材产量25%砖厂(Brickyard) 烧土成砖,提高黏土产量25%铸铁厂(Iron foundry) 熔矿铸铁,

2. 堆砖场地;砖厂:brickwork-likepattern 砌砖状形态 | brickyard 堆砖场地;砖厂 | brickyardmixer 一种气体混合器

3. 砖厂 (名):brickwork 砌砖 (名) | brickyard 砖厂 (名) | bridal 新娘的; 婚礼的 (形)

brickyard 单语例句

1. Ford then packed the car up and prepared to send it to Indianapolis for the prestigious Brickyard 400 in two weeks.

2. \u0039\u0031\u0031\u67E5\u8BE2\u00B7\u82F1\u8BED\u5355\u8BCD

2. The rookie now leads the Spaniard by eight points after six rounds and could stretch that further in Sunday's race at The Brickyard.

3. brickyard

3. Kubica must still undergo a mandatory fitness test at The Brickyard before he can race but expected that to be a formality.

4. I don't want to discuss the suspected collaboration between the brickyard owners and local officials which is yet to be proved.

brickyard 英英释义



1. a place where bricks are made and sold

    Synonym: brickfield
