1. 胸骨:shoulder blade 肩胛骨 | breastbone 胸骨 | elbow joint 肘关节
2. 胸骨 (名):breast stroke 蛙式泳 | breastbone 胸骨 (名) | breastpin 领带夹针; 胸针 (名)
3. 胸骨来源:中国考试网:shoulder blade 肩胛骨 | breastbone 胸骨来源:中国考试网 | elbow joint 肘关节
4. 胸骨NJf中国学习动力网:shoulder blade 肩胛骨NJf中国学习动力网 | breastbone 胸骨NJf中国学习动力网 | elbow joint 肘关节NJf中国学习动力网
1. 胸骨
Your breastbone is the long, flat bone which goes from your throat to the bottom of your ribs and to which your ribs are attached.
1. The pain behind the breastbone radiates mostly to the throat, the upper abdomen and the left arm.
2. Start boning from the bottom and work your knife as close to the breastbone as possible.
1. the flat bone that articulates with the clavicles and the first seven pairs of ribs
Synonym: sternum